Incoming Students

Erasmus incoming students

Upon arrival in Teramo

Please note that it is absolutely necessary to register as Erasmus student on your arrival in Teramo (Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali - International Relations office) to be officially registered and in order to activate your registration number (matricola). Using your registration number, you can enrol in the exams.
Necessary documents:

  • Two passport-size photos
  • Passport or Identity Card
  • Statement from home university
  • Application form and Learning agreement
  • Tax code (codice fiscale)

Please note that the Tax code (codice fiscale) is needed to sign any contract (e.g., to rent a room, to open a bank account or to get a sim card for mobile phones) and to get your registration number (matricola).
The Tax code is issued by the local tax office (Agenzia delle entrate). Students have to fill in the necessary forms and hand them to:
Agenzia delle Entrate

Largo Madonna delle Grazie - 64100 Teramo

tel. +39 0861 25771 - 



On departure

Before leaving, don’t forget to contact your tutor (the Erasmus coordinator of the Faculty you registered to) and bring him/her your Transcript of records in order to have it signed and sent to the Institutional coordinator. After that, you will have to visit the International Relations Office in order to collect:

  • your final Transcript of records (signed by both the Faculty coordinator and the Institutional coordinator);
  • your Certificate of Attendance (as well as other possible documents).

Erasmus Student Network (ESN Teramo)

It is run by students and offers help for any practical aspects concerning life in Teramo and to make their stay at the University of Teramo as fruitful and pleasant as possible.

Campus di Coste Sant’Agostino – 64100 Teramo

tel. +39 0861 266404 - -



University of Teramo

Erasmus code: ITERAMO01


Università degli Studi di Teramo

Campus di Coste Sant'Agostino

64100 Teramo (Italy)

Incoming and outgoing Students Mobility Office


Giovanna Cacciatore (Office manager)
+39 0861 266291 -


Giuseppina Di Tommaso

+39 0861 266326 -


Sergio Palombieri

tel. 0861 266077 -


Opening hours

Monday to Friday 10:30-12:30.

Erasmus Coordinators

Institutional coordinator
Paola Pittia