Distance Exam and Graduation Sessions

This is a temporary provision, until the end of the state of emergency and/or the issuing of new provisions


Due to the epidemiologic emergency from CoViD-19 and following the approval of a specific Regulation having temporary effect, the University of Teramo aims at regulating as a matter of urgency how to perform via the Internet (1) the final examinations necessary to achieve a Bachelor’s/Master’s/Single-Cycle Degree; (2) and the exams, including those of the so-called “single classes”.


This is to allow all teaching/learning activities to be carried out on the one hand, but limiting the copresence of too many people in the same place at the same time on the other. With “via the Internet” we mean that all the teaching/learning activities – i.e. classes, exam and graduation sessions – shall be performed by means of a specific online platform named Google Meet and made available by this University. The necessary information to perform distance exam and graduation sessions is given below.


For further information please contact the E-learning Office at tutorpatto@unite.it  



Graduation Sessions

The main recommendations to perform graduation sessions via the Internet are given below. Additional details may be found by reading the “Guidelines”.


Each graduation session shall take place via the Internet only - thus using the online platform Google Meet.


Each Dean’s Office shall send each candidate admitted to a graduation session an email and communicate him/her what follows:

  • how such distance graduation session shall be performed;
  • the deadline by which each candidate needs to send via his/her institutional email address (@studenti.unite.it) the documents listed below, otherwise he/she cannot take part in the session at all:
  1. a copy of his/her own current ID card
  2. a phone number to be called in case the Internet connection will not work;
  3. the Declaration in Lieu of Affidavit, that needs to be compulsorily written in accordance with the form (Annex 1) attached to the above mentioned Regulation as well as the present Guidelines.


In order to perform the Graduation Sessions via the Internet by means of the online platform Google Meet made available by this University, the President of each Degree Board shall create the links of two virtual area as described below, where the session itself shall take place:

  • the link of a virtual public area: it shall be sent via email to all the members of each Degree Board as well as the candidates admitted to each session;
  • the link of a virtual private area: it shall be shared with the members of each Degree Board only.


Candidates need to:

  1. arrange an Internet access provided with audio and video connections to perform degree dissertation;
  2. have a suitable Internet access to properly connect and participate in the graduation session;
  3. arrange an Internet access where a Power Point or PDF presentation may be shown, if required;
  4. make sure of holding the same ID card already submitted to participate in the graduation session;
  5. be connected to the virtual public area link at least 20 minutes before the graduation session starts, in order to verify it operates rightly.


The main recommendations to perform exam sessions via the Internet are given below. Additional details may be found by reading the “Guidelines”.


Currently, only oral exams may be performed remotely, by using the platform Google Meet. In order to properly take online exams on the platform provided by the University of Teramo, the following rules shall be applied.

The President of the examination board (teacher) has to:

  • create a link of a virtual public area where the exam will be taken and, if needed, a link of a virtual private area where the board may meet;
  • send an email to the students who accepted to take an online exam and communicate them the virtual public area link and the information needed on how the exam will be administered. Such communication will be sent to the students’ institutional email address (@studenti.unite.it) through the specific function “Communication to registered students” in the webpage where exam data are registered within Online Student Service Area;
  • if there is an exam session with many registered students, the President may divide the exam into more sessions.


Students have to:

  1. register for the specific exam
  2. arrange an Internet access provided with audio and video connections to take the exam;
  3. have a suitable Internet access to properly connect and participate in the exam session;
  4. arrange an Internet access suitable to connect to the virtual public area link;
  5. make sure of holding an ID card;
  6. be connected to the virtual public area link at least 20 minutes before the exam session starts, in order to verify it operates rightly.


Notices to students and exam schedules are available on the webpages of every single Faculty.