What is general information service?
It is an early-stage information and referral service.
Who are the addressees?
The service turns to all users.
How is it supplied?
Requests of general information can be submitted to the reception desk directly, by phone or e-mail.
How long does it take to reply to a request?
Requests to the reception desk or by phone are managed immediately; requests by e-mail are managed within the following working day.
What is reference service?
Reference service develops activities for assistance and intermediation in the use of Library’s resources; it meets particular and complex needs of any users.
Who are the addressees?
The service turns to all users.
How is it supplied?
The reference service is supplied by the staff who interact directly with the users.
How long does it take to supply the service?
Service supply is immediate, but the duration may be variable according to the type and complexity of the request.
What is consultation service?
Consultation service allows consultation of paper and multimedia documents within the Library.
Who are the addressees?
The service turns to all users.
How is it supplied?
Users can take books in the reading room on their own; if they are in the repository, only the staff are allowed to take them. Where a reading room is available, it is possible to consult electronic resources by using workstations.
How long does it take to supply the service?
If documents are in the repository, delivery is assured in 10 minutes since request submission.
Consultation of the Antiquarian Collection - Library at the Coste S. Agostino Campus
Admission to the Antiquarian Collection is allowed to the academic staff, students, PhD students of the University of Teramo; students from other Abruzzo Universities; Italian and foreign scholars; other users can be admitted by permission of the Head Librarian. Admission and consultation policies are established by the article 8 of the Rules on Services.
For more information send an e-mail to fondoantico@unite.it
Consultation of degree theses and PhD theses
Consultation of degree theses and PhD theses is allowed by permission of the author. They cannot be lent or photocopied.
Consultation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
As a reading room is currently not available at the Library of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, documents and teaching materials that cannot be lent are allowed to daily loan. Users need to fill out the form and leave a valid identity document. Materials have to be returned before closing time.
What is local loan service?
Local loan service allows users to get bibliographic materials for study and research purposes outside the Library. The following types of publications cannot be lent:
Who are the addressees?
The service turns to internal users, students from other Abruzzo Universities, external users admitted by permission of the Head librarian. The service can be supplied also to professional associations or public and private institutions that have undersigned specific agreements with the University. Terms of service are established by individual agreements.
For all users, the validity of access to this service is subject to the permanence of the relationship with the University.
How is it supplied?
To be admitted, users have to be registered in the charging system (i.e., the automated loan system); this service is provided by the librarian on duty after the submission of the documents requested (article 12 of the Rules on Services).
The service is supplied at the reception desk, where the staff arrange the registration in the charging system for users; return follows the same procedure. Loan is individual: bibliographic materials may be collected by a delegate having a written authorization, a valid identity document and a photocopy of the delegator’s one. Return is freely possible. The number of books that can be lent and the due date are established by the articles 14 and 16 of the Rules on Services.
Any lent book needs to be returned at the Library’s request. A delay in book return longer than 10 days leads to a 30-day suspension of the service since the due date; external users may be excluded from the service, upon decision of the Head Librarian.
If users damage or do not return books or other bibliographic materials, they shall be suspended from the service until replacement at their expenses.
Users can make an online preregistration from the user area of the portal “BIA. Libraries in Abruzzo” using the credentials supplied by the Library. Users can also make a reservation, ask for a time extension, or check their lending state.
How long does it take to supply the service?
Since request submission, delivery is assured in 15 minutes.
Supply of teaching materials by email – Humanities section Library
The Library digitalizes the teaching materials used for humanities, in compliance with copyright laws. Materials are available for the Faculties of Law, Communication Science and Political Science. For more information go to the page.
What is interlibrary loan and document delivery service?
Interlibrary loan and document delivery service enables the exchange of documents between libraries; it allows users to access bibliographic materials that are not present in local libraries.
Who are the addressees?
The service turns only to internal users; it can be supplied also to professional associations or public and private institutions that have undersigned specific agreements with the University. Terms of service are established by individual agreements.
For all users, the validity of access to this service is subject to the permanence of the relationship with the University.
How is it supplied?
Interlibrary loan and document delivery service may be implemented as follows: inbound requests from internal users or outbound requests from borrowing libraries.
Inbound requests: requests can be submitted to the desk directly, or sent by e-mail (ill_dd_poloumanistico@unite.it; biblioagr@unite.it; bibliomv@unite.it); users must use their e-mail address registered in the charging system. Requests for document delivery are also forwarded to the NILDE Service (Network Inter-Library Document Exchange).
The maximum number of each user’s simultaneous requests is established by the article 20 of the Rules on Services.
It will be the responsibility of the staff to inform the user of the arrival of the documents; they may be collected at the reception desk, in compliance with copyright laws. The lending library shall establish the other terms of service: consultation on seat only, the due date, any reimbursement of expenses that users might pay before consultation. In this case, users are required to pay the costs, even in case of non-consultation and before the delivery of the documents.
Outbound requests: borrowing libraries can send a maximum of two requests by e-mail, if they are willing to free mutuality of terms. The libraries of the University of Teramo can also receive requests of document delivery by the NILDE Service (Network Inter-Library Document Exchange). Books are sent to the borrowing library by book parcel and a registered mail; they shall be returned alike at its expenses within 30 days from delivery.
How long does it take to supply the service?
Delivery time depends on the arrangements of the lending library and mail service. For internal users, document delivery is assured with the following period:
Delivery time depends on the ways of transmission for other requests.
Requests are forwarded to the lending library 1 working day after the submission by the user.