All users may access the Library and consult bibliographic material, catalogues and electronic resources. The books in the reading room can be taken by oneself; if they are in the repository, only the staff are allowed to take them.
All the internal users can have access to Internet free of charge through UniTe wi-fi; for more information go to
Library staff will give you information on services and help you with your bibliographic research on catalogues, Internet and electronic resources.
You can search through the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) from your pc or mobile; you can also log on workstations in the Library.
The purpose of the Online Public Access Catalogue is to give you information about the following:
If the publication date is before 1994, you need to consult also the paper catalogue.
If you do not find the book in the Online Public Access Catalogue or in the paper catalogue, you mat consult other catalogues. We advise you to search through the National SBN Catalogue that is the catalogue of all the Libraries joining the National Library Service (SBN). You can log on the section Online Catalogues of our webpage, where you can find links to other catalogues.
The Library can retrieve books or copies of papers from other Libraries through the interlibrary loan service and a document delivery service. You can make requests for books to the reception desk directly or send it by e-mail; requests for document delivery are forwarded to the NILDE Service (Network Inter-Library Document Exchange).
You can find databases and e-journals in the Electronic resources and Open access archives sections of our webpage. Electronic resources are available on workstations in the Library only (through the IP address or a username and a password); open access archives are freely available. For more information please ask to the staff.
The Library has workstations for browsing; you can save your results on your USB key, in compliance with copyright laws.
A copy of textbooks is usually available; they cannot be lent, but you can consult them on seat and return within the closing time. If there are other copies, they can be lent for seven days only.
The Library digitalizes the teaching materials used for humanities, in compliance with copyright laws; for more information go to the page.
Teaching materials for scientific studies are available on seat only.
You can find other teaching materials on the e-learning platform.
You can scan paper documents in compliance with copyright laws, type and state of materials. For more information please ask to the staff.
You can find machines to photocopy, scan or print materials in the Library or other spots of the University, also from portable or mobile devices. For more information go to the page myPrint UniTE.
If you are a student enrolled in one the Abruzzo Universities, you can register by presenting your exam transcripts with a valid identity document. For more information please ask to the staff or consult the Rules on services.
You can also make an online preregistration from the user area of the portal “BIA. Libraries in Abruzzo”; then, you shall confirm your registration in the Library.
The following materials cannot be lent: dictionaries, encyclopedias and general works, textbooks (if there is one copy only), journals, works printed before 1935 or not in good condition, degree theses and PhD theses.
You can consult these materials on seat only.
You can borrow 3 books that are allowed to be lent for a period of 30 days, except a time extension. Students from other Abruzzo Universities share the same terms of service.
A delay in book return longer than 10 days leads to a suspension of the service: therefore, mind the due date! For more information please ask to the staff or consult the Rules on services.
You can reserve a book by logging on the user area of the portal “BIA. Libraries in Abruzzo”. The loan system will register the reservation and send you an e-mail as soon as the book is available; since that time, you have 7 days for book collection
Time extension (renewals) can be requested five days before loan due date by phone, by email, directly at the reception desk or by accessing the user area of the portal “BIA. Libraries in Abruzzo”.
Write to or phone your Library!
You can also ask to the staff; furthermore, you will find useful information on our webpage and on the portal “BIA. Libraries in Abruzzo” (location, opening hours, services, phone numbers, e-mails and news).