UniTe PhD Award "Giulio Regeni"

Friday 15th February, 2019 - Dissertation Room - Building Silvio Spaventa - University of Teramo

UniTe PhD Award "Giulio Regeni"
UniTe PhD Award "Giulio Regeni"

L'Università degli Studi di Teramo ha istituito l'UniTe PhD Award Giulio Regeni, un premio riservato ai dottorati dell'Ateneo teramano per la migliore ricerca scientifica.

Il premio - intitolato a Giulio Regeni, il giovane ricercatore italiano dell’Università di Cambridge, torturato e ucciso al Cairo il 25 gennaio 2016 - intende ricordare e promuovere i valori dell'impegno e libertà della ricerca scientifica.


Alla prima edizione del premio – che si svolgerà il 15 febbraio 2019 - gareggeranno i dottorati in “Cellular and molecular biotechnologies”. Per l’occasione Michele De Luca, Direttore del centro di Medicina rigenerativa “Stefano Ferrari”, terrà una Lectio Magistralis Epithelial stem cells in cell and gene therapy”.


La cerimonia di premiazione sarà presieduta dal Rettore Dino Mastrocola e dal presidente di Amnesty international Italia, Antonio Marchesi.



Welcome and Lectio Magistralis

9.30 | Registration


10.30 | Welcome


Dino Mastrocola

Rector of the University of Teramo


Barbara Barboni

Doctoral Coordinator


10.40 |Lectio Magistralis


Epithelial stem cells in cell and gene therapy

Michele De Luca

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - Director of Centre for Regenerative Medicine “Stefano Ferrari”      


Opening Regenerative Medicine Session


Chairs: B. Barboni - A. Cimini

Evaluation Committee:

A. Mauro - V. Russo - S. Falone - A. Canciello


Oral Communications

  • Sanyal Hashimita - Effect of female steroids (Estradiol and Progesterone) on Ovine Amniotic Epithelial Cells
  • Fazio Domenico - The role of endocannabinoid system on immunomodulatory properties of amniotic epithelial cells
  • Falanga Ilaria - Human amniotic-derived stem cell transplantation in a rat varicocele model
  • Di Lollo Valeria - oAECs portrait: appreciating the transcriptome shades

Poster Presentations

  • Mazzotti Eleonora - The key of the donor age in the behavior of synovial fluid mesenchymal stem cell
  • Citeroni Maria Rita - Amniotic stem cells and cells derivates for the development of hyaluronate functionalized biocomposities: the teno-differentiative potential of AECs secretome
  • Di Mattia Miriam - Amniotic Epithelial stem cell- derived secretomes for therapeutic application
  • Hafeez Muhammed Nadeem - Development of bio-scaffolds for tendon regeneration

12.30 - Awards for the best oral communication and poster presentation


Opening Reproductive Biotechnology Session

Chairs: N. Bernabò - C. Tatone

Evaluation Committee: M. Mattioli - V. Gatta - F. Amicarelli - M. Massimi - L. Greco


Oral Communications

  • Ramal-Sanchez Marina - Graphene Oxide and Spermatozoa: a crossroad
  • Castellini Chiara - Leukocytospermia, antisperm-antibodies, cytokines: what about their role in male reproductive potential?
  • Rossi Giulia - Strategies to preserve ovarian reserve in cancer patients: characterization of the adaptive response to antitumor therapy and identification of molecular targets for chemo-preventive interventions in animal models
  • Nikiforov Dmitry - Freezing ovarian tissue and simultaneously obtaining an average of 11 mature oocytes without ovarian stimulation - is it a reality?

Poster Presentations

  • Rea Francesco - Development of nutraceutical formulations for the treatment of ovarian dysfunction in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): evaluation of bio-molecular markers in the ovarian micro-environment in a mouse model of PCOS
  • Tagaramm Israiel - Development and design innovative strategies for approaching in vitro fertilization in animals & humans by using 3D printed scaffolds

13.40 - Awards for the best oral communication and poster presentation


Lunch break


Opening Physiopathology Session


Chairs: C. D’Addario - R. Ippoliti

Evaluation Committee: C. Cammà - M. Tittarelli - E. Dainese - B. Dufrusine


Oral Communications

  • Paci Valentina - Comparison of Brucella melitensis and Brucella ovis proteoms to identify Brucella virulence factors
  • Di Federico Marta - Pro-inflammatory response of bovine polymorphonuclear cells induced by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides: further insights from in vitro investigations 
  • Cordone Valeria - Glycation, dicarbonyl stress and inflammasome in Rett Syndrome
  • Ragusa Federica - Dissecting the role of type 4 phosphodiesterase in human hepatocellularcarcinoma
  • Defourny Sabrina - Tumor –Microenvironment Interaction: Analysis of Mast Cell Populations in Normal Tissue and Proliferative Disorders of the Canine Prostate
  • D'Angelo Michele - Neuroprotective factors in models of Parkinson’s disease 
  • Di Bartolomeo Martina - Selective regulation of CNR1 gene transcription in schizophrenic patients and MAM model of psychosis and his peripubertal modulation with Cannabidiol
  • Silvestri Ilaria - Small molecules uncover a new allosteric site in thioredoxin glutathione reductase acting as doorstops for NADPH entry
  • Fantasia Marco - Radio Frequency Coils Optimization for X-Nuclei MRI

Poster Presentations

  • Bellia Fabio - Epigenetic regulation of Oxytocin receptor: parallel alterations in Alcoholism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Bignotti Virginio - Antiglycative Activity and AGE/RAGE Signaling in Rett Syndrome
  • Catanesi Mariano - Effects of molecules with neurotrophic activity in a in vitro model of Parkinson's disease
  • Fata Francesca - Application of a multi-dataset crystallographic analysis on therapeutically relevant proteins for identification of ligand binding and hidden conformational changes
  • Fava Marina - Lipid signalling in neuroinflammation - Beyond endocannabinoids
  • Ponziani Sara - Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) in anti-tumor therapy
  • Taraschi Angela - Realization of innovative computational approaches for the modeling of the innate immunity system
  • Vitale Stefania - Sustainable development of new formulations of nutraceutical products by saffron and petal extracts in wound healing

17.05 | Awards for the best oral communication and poster presentation


Opening Pharmacology and Toxicology Session

Chairs: C. Celia - M. Perugini

Evaluation Committee: F. Giansanti - L. Di Marzio - C. Rapino - D. Tortolani


Poster Presentations

  • Di Censo Davide - A Validation Study of TrAQ: a Versatile and Automated Behavioural Analysis Software
  • Merola Carmine - Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as in vivo model to investigate the role of personal care products: toxicological effects of triclosan on zebrafish early-life stages
  • Vecchiotti Giulia - Exposure to particles debris generated from passenger and truck tires induces different genotoxicity and inflammatory response on Raw 264.7 cell line
  • Iannotta Dalila - Development of hybrid nanocarrier library based biomaterial for cancer therapy

17.35 | Awards for the best poster of Pharmacology and toxicology Session



Ceremony for the memorial Giulio Regeni doctoral award



Dino Mastrocola

Rector of the University of Teramo


Antonio Marchesi

President of Amnesty International Italy






Prof. Michele De Luca




Prof. Barboni Barbara

Prof. Mauro Mattioli          

Prof. Mauro Annunziata

Prof. Russo Valentina

Prof. Bernabò Nicola

Prof. D’Addario Claudio

Prof. Dainese Enrico

Prof. Perugini Monia

Prof. Cinzia Rapino 

Canciello Angelo, PhD

Greco Luana, PhD

Dufrusine Beatrice, PhD

Tortolani Daniel, PhD




Prof. Cimini Annamaria

Prof. Falone Stefano

Prof. Tatone Carla

Prof. Amicarelli Fernanda

Prof. Massimi Mara

Prof. Ippoliti Rodolfo




Prof. Gatta Valentina

Prof. Celia Christian

Prof. Di Marzio Luisa




Dr. Cammà Cesare

Dr. Tittarelli Manuela

Ultimo aggiornamento: 17-02-2019