PhD Annual Meeting of Food Science - New challenges for infection control and the fight against antibiotic resistance

New challenges for infection control and the fight against antibiotic resistance
New challenges for infection control and the fight against antibiotic resistance

24 september 2024 Thesis room S. Spaventa room


09:00 – 9.30 Registration

9:30 – 9:50 Welcome address and Opening remark
Dino Mastrocola | Rector of thr University of Teramo
Enrico Dainese | Director of the Department of Biosciences
Barbara Barboni| Director of the Doctoral School

9:50 –10.45 Plenary Lectures
Chair: Aldo Corsetti
Prof. Francis Butler | University College Dublin
Prof.ssa Mara Di Giulio | University of Chieti-Pescara “G. D’Annunzio”

10.45 – 11.40 Oral Presentation
Session Chair: Mauro Serafini


Buccioni Francesco, Eugelio Fabiola, Fiori Selene, Rossetti Alessio Pio, Trasmundi Flaviano

11:40 – 11:50 Coffee Break

11:50 – 12:35 Poster Presentation session

Akram Shazia, Boateng Reindorf, Paolini Davide, Polilli Walter, Bravo-Trippetta Chiara, Damiano Antonella, Luciani Mirella, Montagano Federica, Regi Francesco

12:35 Closing remarks and Award


Ultimo aggiornamento: 03-10-2024