For the academic year 2014/2015, the Labor Law and Industrial Relations Clinic presents a new part dedicated to the theory and practice of negotiations and conflict resolution. Specifically, the Clinic offers to the students the opportunity to actively participate at the collective bargaining Table under the Trade Union's supervision.
The increasing importance that the collective bargaining is gaining, as a external source, in our legal system requires to deepen the techniques and procedures traditionally used to develop and set the regulations for the collective bargaining. Therefore, the course focus on the negotiation and dispute resolution processes that involves the Trade Unions.
Therefore, what are the mediation skills and negotiation processes that lead to the final text of the collective bargaining?
Starting from this question, the part of the "Collective Bargaining, negotiation and conflict resolution" aims at teaching the collective bargaining process through "role playing".
The part is divided into four steps: 1) Introduction to the theory and practice of negotiation; 2) Training for the negotiation with the Union sides; 3) meeting with the Union sides; 4) drafting the collective agreement.