May enroll in the Labor law legal clinic for students of the Faculty of Law of Teramo and Avezzano who have already passed Labour Law exam or are attending Law courses in the second half of the academic year to which the request relates to participation in the Legal Clinics.
Maximum number of participants: 30 (of which 20 seats are reserved for those attending).
CFU (Credits)
Students who attend three modules will be awarded the credits as follows:
For students attending the course in labor law: remodeling (with exemption of some parts) of the review program of labor law for a maximum of 6 credits according to the modules which will be announced at the beginning of the course.
For students who do not attend the course in labor law of the Master of Science: 2 credits if enrolled in the 5th year (according to the regulations of the Faculty)
For students who have already taken the labor law exam for the Master of Science in Law: 2 credits if enrolled in the 5th year (according to the regulations of the Faculty)
For students enrolled in an undergraduate program: 2 CFU
Meetings will be held every two weeks in March / April / May. The exact schedule of activities will be provided on site by the end of January 2013.
2 credits may be recognized in lieu of a share in teaching a total of not less than 14 hours and after final verification
If the number of requests for participation exceed availability, students will be selected based on their average exam scores and, based on the same average, the number of exams taken. The selection will be announced and posted on site outside the office of Prof. M. Marazza.