The learning method adopted in the "labor law legal clinic" leads the student to assume the role of a practicing lawyer, actively participating in the management of a dispute or advice to follow at the university with the support of a professional in charge, a labor law professor, and a tutor.
Students will participate in the following modules:
meeting with the client and the lawyer;
meeting with the lawyer for the setting of the opinion and / or act from a procedural and substantive point of view;
participation in hearings and compliance proceedings.
The program modules will be announced in a special calendar.
For each module, students will
participate with the teacher or tutor in the preliminary meetings of preparation;
support the law, under the supervision and coordination of the tutor, through research of case law and doctrine relevant to the proper setting of the legal case;
submit to the teacher or tutor a final report of the activity
Note: the speed of trials does not allow the ability to follow the modules with reference to a single dispute. The modules can therefore be assigned to students regarding various disputes taking into account the objective availability.
The student activities will be led by a tutor who will assist and will carry out coordination between the parties involved. The programming of the modules will be made after collecting the requests of students' interest.
Cases and materials
Summaries of the cases handled by the students will be included.