
First Year

Food technology I 9

Nutritional and applied biochemistry 7

Experimental design and chemometrics in food 5

Marketing and agri-food business 6

Food engineering 9

  • Food process engineering  5
  • Wastewater engineering  4

Industrial microbiology 10

  • Microbiological analysis of foods 5
  • Microbial processes 5

Sustainable primary production 10

  • Crop production for agri-food chain  5
  • Sustainable livestock production  5

Optional courses 4

Totale crediti del primo anno 56

Second Year

Food analysis 6 

Food microbiology 6

Food legislation 6

Food technology II 10

  • Shelf-life calculation and estimation  5
  • Advanced technologies  5

Other activities 4

Optional courses 4

Master’s project/Thesis 24

Totale crediti del secondo anno 64

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities

Laboratorio di analisi chimica degli alimenti 4

Food Mycology 4

Food biopreservation lab 4

Experimental Nutrition 4

Research and development for food innovation 4

Ultimo aggiornamento: 03-06-2020