The European unions and the First World War: due giornate di studio organizzate dall’Università di Teramo e dalla Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio


Mercoledì 18 e giovedì 19 Marzo 2015 - Sala delle Lauree Facoltà Scienze Politiche

18 march 3.00/5.30 pm


University of Teramo – Rector prof. Luciano D’Amico, preside prof. Enrico Del Colle

Giuseppe Di Vittorio Foundation


Stefano Musso The European workers’ movement on the eve of the Great War

Pasquale Iuso The CGdL and the choice of neutrality

Maurizio Antonioli The USI and the advent of interventionism

Karl Christian Führer The German Unions and the “Burgfrieden


19 march 10.00 / 12.30 pm


University of Teramo – Rector prof. Luciano D’Amico, preside prof. Enrico Del Colle

Giuseppe Di Vittorio Foundation


Xavier Vigna The French unions and the First World War

Mary Davis The English unions: caught between the Irish Question and the Great War

Giuseppe Ferrandi The borders of the Empire. The union and the Austrian experience

Adolfo Pepe Final Speech

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16-03-2015