Insegnamenti/Course structure diagram

First Year

Structure and Function of the Reproductive system 10

- Anatomy of the reproductiove system 6

- Physiology of reproduction 6

Andrology I 6

Molecular markers in Reproduction 12

- Biomarkers in human reproduction 6

- Techniques for biomarker identification in reproduction 6

Biology of gametes, IVM and IVF Techniques 11

- Biology of gametes 5

- IVM and IVF  6

Cryobiology 11

- Molecular interactions among gametes and environment  6

- Cryopreservation techniques of gametes  5

Embryology 6

Scientific Communication, part I 3

Totale crediti del primo anno 59

Second Year

Diagnostic Histology Applied to Cells and Tissues of the Reproductive System 5

Andrology II 6

ICSI Procedure and Advanced Techniques in Medically-Assisted Procreation 6

Legislation and Bioethics in Medicine of Reproduction 6

Genetics of Human Reproduction 10

- Genetic causes of human infertility 5

Genetic testing of human infertility 5

Scientific Communication, part II 3

Elective Courses/elective credits 8

Internship 5

Final examination 12

Totale crediti del secondo anno 61

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities

Angiogenesis and reproduction 3

Developmental and reproductive toxicology 5

Live cells imaging 5

- Conoscenze di microscopia avanzata 3

- Metodi di fluorescenza per la fisiologia cellulare 2

Cellule staminali in medicina rigenerativa 4

- Principi di cellule staminali 2 

- Medicina rigenerativa 2

Tecniche di micromanipolazione embrionale 5

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-06-2019