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Ricercatrice a tempo determinato (RTD-A) in Microbiologia Agraria (AGR/16), presso il Dipartimento di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari e Ambientali dell'Università degli Studi di Teramo. Laureata, nel 2014, in Scienze Biomolecolari Applicate (LM6) presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia con una tesi in Microbiologia Applicata, ha conseguito nel 2018 il titolo di Doctor Europaeus, svolgendo un dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze degli Alimenti nell’ambito della Microbiologia applicata al settore alimentare, presso l’università di Teramo durante il quale ha svolto un periodo come Visiting PhD Student presso L’APC Microbiome Institute – University College Cork in Irlanda, all’ interno del gruppo di ricerca Microbe-Host Dialogue Research Group. Il progetto di ricerca ha riguardato la selezione e la caratterizzazione di ceppi appartenenti alla specie Lactiplantibacillus. plantarum, isolati da alimenti fermentati, per valutare potenziali attività funzionali e/o probiotiche come strategia per lo sviluppo e la produzione di nuovi alimenti funzionali.
Le attività di ricerca fanno riferimento a 5 tematiche principali: 1. la microbiologia degli alimenti fermentati per lo sviluppo di colture starter multifunzionali; 2. la caratterizzazione genotipica, fenotipica e funzionale di batteri lattici associati ad alimenti fermentati; 3. lo studio delle interazioni microrganismi-ospite in modelli intestinali modello e in vivo in modelli animali; 4. il rapporto dieta-microbiota intestinale dell’uomo; 5. L’impatto del microbiota e di probiotici nell’asse-intestino cervello, con particolare riferimento a patologie del neurosviluppo. In particolare, nella prospettiva di valutare l’interazione tra microrganismo e soggetto ospite e il conseguente impatto sul sistema metabolico e immunitario dell’ospite dell’assunzione di microrganismi associati agli alimenti e/o di alimenti fermentati, le attività di ricerca sono caratterizzate da un approccio multidisciplinare in diversi ambiti scientifici a supporto della microbiologia.
Titolare dell’Insegnamento di “Biotecnologie microbiche per la produzione di molecole di interesse biomedico/farmaceutico”(CFU 3) nel CdS in Biotecnologie (L2).
Titolare dell’Insegnamento di “Alimenti fermentati” (CFU 1) nel Corso di Dottorato in Scienze degli alimenti (Università di Teramo).
Supporto alla didattica nel CdS in Biotecnologie (L2) per l’insegnamento in “Microbiologia Generale”.
Supporto alla didattica nel CdS in Biotecnologie Avanzate (LM9) per l’Insegnamento in “Meccanismi di Comunicazione Cellulare”.
Correlatrice/relatrice di oltre 38 tesi di laurea triennali in Biotecnologie (L2) e 11 tesi sperimentali di laurea magistrale in Biotecnologie Avanzate (LM9) nel settore AGR/16.
Co-tutor di n. 1 PhD student in Scienze degli Alimenti (settore AGR/16).
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) alle funzioni di Professore di II fascia nel S.S.D. AGR16 conseguita il 04.06. 2024 e valida fino a 04/06/2035.
L’attività scientifica, a partire dal 2014, è documentata da 27 pubblicazioni in riviste nazionali ed internazionali, più di 40 contributi (poster e presentazioni orali) a convegni nazionali ed internazionali e un capitolo di libro a diffusione nazionale.
Co-autore della review dal titolo “Table olives: more than a fermented food” che ha ottenuto il riconoscimento da parte della rivista “Foods” come HIGH CITED EDITOR’S CHOICE REVIEW nel 2021 e della review "Health-Promoting Role of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Isolated from Fermented Foods" che ha ottenuto il riconoscimento da parte della rivista “Microorganisms” come Highly Cited Papers of “Microorganisms” nel 2021.
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Fixed-term researcher (RTD-A) in Agricultural Microbiology (AGR/16), at the Department of Biosciences and Agro-Food and Environmental Technologies of the University of Teramo. Graduated in 2014 in Applied Biomolecular Sciences (LM6) at the University of Perugia with a thesis in Applied Microbiology. In 2018 she obtained the title of Doctor Europaeus, carrying out a PhD in Food Sciences in the field of Microbiology applied to the food sector, at the University of Teramo during which she carried out part of her research as a Visiting PhD Student at the APC Microbiome Institute – University College Cork in Ireland, within the Microbe-Host Dialogue Research Group. The PhD research project involved the selection and characterization of strains belonging to the Lactiplantibacillus plantarum species, isolated from fermented foods, to evaluate potential functional and/or probiotic activities as a strategy for the development and production of new functional foods.
The research activities refer to 5 main themes: 1. the microbiology of fermented foods for the development of multifunctional starter cultures; 2. the genotypic, phenotypic and functional characterization of lactic acid bacteria associated with fermented foods; 3. the study of microorganism-host interactions in intestinal models and in vivo in animal models; 4. the human diet-intestinal microbiota relationship; 5. The impact of the microbiota and probiotics in the brain-gut axis, with particular reference to neurodevelopmental pathologies. In particular, in the perspective of evaluating the host-microbes interaction and the consequent impact of the intake of microorganisms associated with food and/or fermented foods on the metabolic and immune system of the host, the research activities are characterized by a multidisciplinary approach in different scientific fields related to the microbiology.
Professor of "Microbial biotechnology for the production of molecules of biomedical/pharmaceutical interest" (CFU 3) in the Course in Biotechnology (L2).
Professor of “Fermented Foods” (CFU 1) in the PhD Course in Food Science (University of Teramo).
Teaching support in the Course in Biotechnology (L2) in the chair of "General Microbiology".
Teaching support in the Course in Advanced Biotechnology (LM9) for teaching in "Cellular Communication Mechanisms".
Co-supervisor/supervisor of 38 three-year degree theses in Biotechnology (L2) and 11 experimental master's degree theses in Advanced Biotechnology (LM9) in the AGR/16 sector.
Co-tutor of n. 1 PhD student in Food Science (SSD AGR/16).
National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) of Associate Professor S.S.D. AGR16 (04.06.2024-04/06/2035).
- Member of Scientific committee (CTS) that contribute to the organization of the 1st VITALITY DISSEMINATION DAY – SPOKE 3 within the PNRR National Innovation Ecosystem Project (Project Code: ECS00000041; Project CUP: C43C22000380007) titled “Innovation, digitalization and sustainability for the diffused economy in Central Italy – VITALITY”, University of Teramo – 14 June 2024, L’Aquila.
- Member of Scientific committee (CTS) that organized the 1st Workshop “Focused on Recruited Researcher” within the PNRR National Innovation Ecosystem Project (Project Code: ECS00000041; Project CUP: C43C22000380007) titled “Innovation, digitalization and sustainability for the diffused economy in Central Italy – VITALITY”, Univeristy of L'Aquila and Chairman of session 2 “DEAR: Diagnostics, Environment and AgRifood” for Spoke 3, Spoke 4 and Spoke 8. 9 november 2023, L’Aquila.
- From September 2023 Member of Scientific committee (CTS) for Spoke 3 - “Innovative food production: matching sustainability and quality of life” (University of Teramo) in the monitoring, management and organization reports of the activities of the Research and Innovation Program entitled "Innovation, digitalisation and sustainability for the widespread economy in Central Italy - VITALITY" promoted by the Vitality Foundation - Ecosistema di Innovazione, Digitalizzazione e Sostenibilità per l’Economia Diffusa nell’Italia Centrale (PNRR MUR – M4C2 - Decreto Direttoriale di concessione del finanziamento n. 1057 del 23 giugno 2022 – codice ECS00000041) e dal coordinatore dell’HUB (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila).
- From February 2023 Social Communication Management (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin) of the Course in Biotechnology - Appointment of 20 February 2023.
- From 2021 Appointment of Subject Expert in the chairs of General Microbiology of the Course in Biotechnology (Class L-2) and Selection of Beneficial Microorganisms of the Course in Advanced Biotechnologies (Class LM-9) – Approval of the Board of Directors. dated 12/15/2021.
- From 2020 to 2022 Representative of the Unstructured Staff (PhD students, Research Fellows and Fellows) of the Faculty of Biosciences and Agro-Food and Environmental Technologies, University of Teramo, on mandate of the Dean of the Faculty - Appointment of 14 October 2020.
- Member of the Scientific and Organizational Secretariat of the technical-scientific conference "Quality, health, safety, sustainability and well-being: research and innovative strategies to enhance local food products" and of the 5 Satellite Workshops linked to the agri-food supply chains organized by the Faculty of Biosciences and Agro-Food and Environmental Technologies of the University of Teramo - as part of the week "Food, well-being and sustainable development of the territory with a global vision" - #insiemepergliSDGs, developed in the series of events "Food Day - Together for the SDGs", 23-27 September 2021, Teramo.
- Member of the Scientific Secretariat of the III INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF GRAN SASSO 1-3 October 2020, University of Teramo – SESSION N.11 “Agri-Food: “Investing in research to build and spread a new scientific approach for a healthy and sustainable diet” .
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Health Benefits of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Gut Microbiota and Beyond" in the scientific international journal Fermentation (MDPI, IF 3.3)
- Since 2023 Reviewer Editor in the Editorial Board on Food Microbiology, Specialty section Frontiers in Microbiology (SCR Q1 in Microbiology, IF 5.2) and Frontiers in Nutrition (SCR Q1 in Food Science, IF 5.0)
- Since 2021 she is a member of the Reviewer Board of the international journal Microorganisms (MDPI, IF 4.1)
- Since 2020 she has been refereeing for numerous international scientific journals on articles relating to food microbiology: Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers in Nutrition, Journal of Functional Foods, Microorganisms, Foods, Nutrients, Antioxidants, Fermenattion, Current Microbiology, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Applied Sciences, Processes, The FASEB Journal, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Annals of Microbiology, Food Science and Human Wellness, Heliyon, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology etc.
- From 2016 to 2017 she was a member of the Microbiology Society
- Since 2016 she has been a member of the Italian Society of Agro-Food and Environmental Microbiology (SIMTREA)
The scientific activity, starting from 2014, is documented by 27 publications in national and international journals, more than 40 contributions (posters and oral presentations) at national and international conferences and a chapter of a book nationally distributed.
Co-author of the review entitled “Table olives: more than a fermented food” which obtained recognition by the magazine “Foods” as HIGH CITED EDITOR'S CHOICE REVIEW in 2021 and of the review "Health-Promoting Role of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Isolated from Fermented Foods" which was recognized by the journal “Microorganisms” as Highly Cited Papers of “Microorganisms” in 2021.
Links to publications:;
Articoli su riviste internazionali con referee
Articoli su riviste italiane
Capitoli in libri a diffusione nazionale
Articoli in enciclopedie a diffusione internazionale
Atti di convegni internazionali
Atti di convegni nazionali
Relatore in convegni nazionali ed internazionali