Professore Associato in possesso di Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni di Professore Ordinario (S.C. 13/B2 - S.S.D. SECS-P/08 - “Economia e gestione delle imprese”) presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo, dove insegna “Marketing”, “Marketing Digitale”, “Marketing Culturale” e “Brand Management”.
Già docente presso altre Università (“Economia e gestione delle imprese”, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche, Università degli Studi di Salerno; “Economia e gestione delle imprese”, Dipartimento di Scienze, ex Facoltà di Farmacia, Università degli Studi della Basilicata; “Organizzazione aziendale”, Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia, ex Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”; “Finanza aziendale”, Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi del Molise), è docente al Master di II livello in “Direzione delle aziende e delle organizzazioni sanitarie - DAOSAN” (in materia di sistemi informativi, qualità, marketing e comunicazione in sanità), al Master di II livello in “Leadership, Change Management, & Digital Innovation” (in materia di knowledge management), al Corso di Perfezionamento Universitario e Aggiornamento Culturale in “Wine Business” (in materia di economia e gestione delle imprese vitivinicole, marketing del vino e turismo del vino) e al Corso di Perfezionamento Universitario in “Management e organizzazione dei servizi farmaceutici” (in materia di sistemi informativi sanitari), aventi sede presso l’Università degli Studi di Salerno, oltre a essere Componente del Collegio dei Docenti del Corso di Dottorato in “Tech for Good. Technology transfer, global foresight, and sustainable innovation in knowledge ecosystems” presso la Link University di Roma e docente al Corso di Aggiornamento in “Wine Business” dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (in materia di marketing del vino e turismo del vino).
Dottore di Ricerca in “Economia e Direzione delle Aziende Pubbliche”, Direttore e Presidente del Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento Universitario e Aggiornamento Culturale in “Wine Business” (Università degli Studi di Salerno), Componente del Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Aggiornamento in “Wine Business” (Università degli Studi di Teramo), Componente del Comitato Scientifico di RECEVIN - Rete Europea delle “Città del Vino”, Componente del Comitato Scientifico della Fondazione Sistema Irpinia, Chairman del “Wine Business” Research Interest Committee (Euromed) e Componente dell’Editorial Board e dell’Editorial Reviewers Board di riviste nazionali e internazionali.
Presidente della SISIT (Società Italiana delle Scienze Informatiche e Tecnologiche). Presidente di UNISCE (Unione Laureati in Scienze Economiche e Commerciali). Socio SIMA (Società Italiana di Management), SIM (Società Italiana di Marketing), AIDEA (Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale), EURAM (European Academy of Management), BAM (British Academy of Management), AIES (Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria), EuAWE (European Association of Wine Economists), AICA (Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico), VICINA (Associazione Internazionale di Commercialisti per l’Internazionalizzazione), IASA (International Academy of Sensory Analysis) e ASC (Allievi SAF Campania).
Autore, a firma singola o partecipata, di oltre 160 lavori scientifici, tra monografie, articoli su riviste nazionali e internazionali (34 in Classe A), capitoli su libri nazionali e internazionali e paper a congressi nazionali e internazionali. I principali temi di ricerca sviluppati durante il percorso scientifico riguardano la progettazione e la gestione delle attività di marketing e comunicazione nei mercati del vino, il governo dei sistemi informativi aziendali e le problematiche manageriali delle aziende sanitarie e farmaceutiche. Tali approfondimenti hanno portato a continui confronti sul campo con il mondo delle imprese e delle associazioni di settore, tramite l’analisi di casi di studio (inseriti nelle pubblicazioni), la partecipazione su invito a seminari/convegni e lo svolgimento di attività di formazione manageriale e professionale (ECM - Educazione Continua in Medicina, IFTS - Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore e altri), con incarichi di docenza specialistica, coordinamento didattico e responsabilità scientifica.
Associate Professor (with National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor) of “Management” at the Department of Communication Science of the University of Teramo (Italy), where he teaches “Marketing”, “Digital Marketing”, “Cultural Marketing”, and “Brand Management”.
He also taught in other Universities (“Business Management”, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno, Italy); “Business Management”, Department of Sciences - School of Pharmacy, University of Basilicata, Italy; “Business organization”, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy; “Corporate Finance”, School of Economics, University of Molise. Italy). He is Member of the Teaching Committee of the following high education courses: Doctorate Course in “Tech for Good. Technology transfer, global foresight and sustainable innovation in knowledge ecosystems” (Link University in Rome, Italy), Second Level Master’s Degree in “Management of healthcare organizations - DAOSAN” (University of Salerno), Second Level Master’s Degree in “Leadership, Change Management, & Digital Innovation” (University of Salerno), Postgraduate Course in “Wine Business” (University of Salerno), Postgraduate Course in “Wine Business” (University of Teramo, Italy), and Postgraduate Course in “Pharmaceutical services management and organization” (University of Salerno).
PhD in “Economics and Management of Public Organizations”, Director and President of the Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Course in “Wine Business” (University of Salerno), Member of the Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Course in “Wine Business” (University of Teramo), Chairman of the “Wine Business” Research Interest Committee (Euromed), Member of the Scientific Committee of RECEVIN (European Network of Wine Cities), and Member of the Scientific Committee of Fondazione Sistema Irpinia (Avellino, Italy). Member of the Editorial Reviewers Board for national and international journals.
President of SISIT (Italian Society of Information and Technology Sciences). President of UNISCE (Union of Graduates in Economics and Management). He is Member of SIMA (Italian Society of Management), SIM (Italian Society of Marketing), AIDEA (Italian Association of Business Administration), EURAM (European Academy of Management), BAM (British Academy of Management), AIES (Italian Association of Health Economics), EuAWE (European Association of Wine Economists), AICA (Italian Association for Informatics and Automatic Calculation), VICINA (International Association of Business Consultants for Internationalization), IASA (International Association of Sensory Analysis), and ASC (SAF Campania Graduates).
Author (single and/or multiple) of more than 160 scientific publications, considering monographs, book chapters, articles on journals (national and international) (34 in “A Class”), and papers at conferences (national and international). His main research topics focus on marketing and communication in wine markets, governance and management of business information systems, and managerial problematics of healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations. These insights have led to continuous field interactions with enterprises and industry associations, through analysis of case studies (included in the publications), participation on invitation to seminars / conferences, and implementation of training activities for managers and professionals (ECM - Continuing Medical Education, IFTS - Advanced Technical Education and Training, and so on), with responsibility about scientific and teaching coordination.
172 pubblicazioni scientifiche dal 2000 a oggi, di cui 36 in "Classe A".
172. Gagliardi, A.R., Festa, G., Vrontis, D., Grandhi, B., & Rossi, M. (2024), “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical pathways in intensive care units – a case study with a managerial perspective”, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-17, ISSN: 1753-6715, DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2024.10055582.
171. D'Amico, A., Di Capua, M., Di Nardo, E., Rosak-Szyrocka, J., Tortorella, G., & Festa, G. (2024), “Competitive advantage in healthcare based on augmentation of clinical images with artificial intelligence: case study of the 'Sambias' project”, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 1-16, ISSN: 1753-6715, DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2024.135364.
170. Restelli, P., & Festa, G. (2023), “Wine Immersive Ambassador – Verso l’empowerment della comunicazione professionale nel Wine Business”, FOR – Open Access, Vol. (2023) No. 2, pp. 38-41, ISSNe: 1972-506x, DOI: 10.3280/for2023-002oa16591.
169. Capasso, A., Rossi, M., Koloszar, L., & Festa, G. (2023), “Potential Impact of Digital Finance on Small Business Lending: the ‘Fx12’ Case Study”, pp. 515-525, Proceedings of the 16th Eu-romed Conference titled “Business Transformation in Uncertain Global Environments”, Vilni-us, Lithuania, 27-29 September, ISSN: 2547-8516, ISBN: 978-9963-711-98-7.
168. D'Amico, A., Di Capua, M., Di Nardo, E., Tucci, M., Kramer, P., Tortorella, G., & Festa, G. (2023), “Project Management for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare – the ‘Sambias’ Case Study”, pp. 123-133, Proceedings of the 16th Euromed Conference titled “Business Transfor-mation in Uncertain Global Environments”, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-29 September, ISSN: 2547-8516, ISBN: 978-9963-711-98-7.
167. Cuomo, M.T., Festa, G., & Foroudi, P. (2023), “Imitation Game: The Past, Present, and Fu-ture of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing”, pp. 1-3, Proceedings of the 18th Academy of In-novation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK) Conference titled “Innovation, Knowledge and Digitalisation: Building Trust to Face Today’s Challenges”, Paris, France, 21-23 June, ISBN: 978-84-09-51414-4.
166 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Mardini, G.H., Kyriakidou, N., & Festa, G. (2023), "The impact of corporate performance on innovation management: Empirical evidence from emerging Asian economies", Journal of International Management, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), Article 101091, pp. 1-11, ISSN: 1075-4253, DOI: 10.1016/j.intman.2023.101091.
165 (Classe A). Chouaibi, J., Festa, G., Alam, G.M., & Rossi, M. (2023), "Ownership structure and technological innovation: an investigation of Tunisian agri-food companies", European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-15, ISSN: 1460-1060, DOI: 10.1108/EJIM-10-2022-0599.
164 (Classe A). Cuomo, M.T., Genovino, C., Metallo, G., & Festa, G. (2023), "When opposites attract—Impact of cultural distance and polarised success in the future of economic unions", Futures, Vol. 153 No. (2023), Article 103223, pp. 1-11, ISSN: 0016-3287, DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2023.103223.
163 (Classe A). D’Amato, A., Festa, G., Biscotti, A.M., Papa, A., & Rossi, M. (2023), "Microfoundations of Value Creation in Bank Risk Taking: Exploring the Effects of Gender and Training", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-15, ISSN: 0018-9391, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3289054.
162 (Classe A). Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Genovino, C., Alam, G.M., & Rossi, M. (2023), "Digitalization as a driver of transformation towards sustainable performance in wine tourism – the Italian case", British Food Journal, Vol. 125 No. 9, pp. 3456-3467, ISSN: 0007-070X, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-06-2022-0475.
161. Thrassou, A., & Festa, G. (2023), "Contemporary Organizational Sustainability: The Symbiotic Relationship Between Business and Society", FIIB (Fortune Institute of International Business) Business Review, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 115-119, ISSN: 2319-7145, DOI: 10.1177/23197145231161923.
160 (Classe A). Gagliardi, A.R., Festa, G., Usai, A., Dell'Anno, D., & Rossi, M. (2023), "The impact of knowledge management on the digital supply chain – a bibliometric literature review", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 53 Nos. 5/6, pp. 612-627, ISSN: 0960-0035, DOI: 10.1108/IJPDLM-07-2022-0206.
159 (Classe A). Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Colosimo, I., Ricciardi Celsi, L., Genovino, C., Festa, G., La Rocca, M. (2023), “Segmenting with big data analytics and Python: A quantitative exploratory analysis of household savings”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-13 (Article 122431), ISSN: 0040-1625, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122431.
158 (Classe A). Kolte, A., Festa, G., Ciampi, F., Meissner, D., & Rossi, M. (2023), “Exploring corporate venture capital investments in clean energy—a focus on the Asia-Pacific region”, Applied Energy, Vol. 334 No. (C), pp. 1-13 (Article 120677), ISSN: 0306-2619, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.120677.
157. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Festa, G., Chierici, R., & Giordano, A. (2023), “The foodie subcultures: from the underground to the mainstream. A netnographic analysis”, pp. 1-14, Proceedings of the 22nd International Marketing Trends Conference, ESCP Business School, Paris, France, 19-21 January, ISBN: 978-2-490372-16-4.
156 (Classe A). Testa, M., D’Amato, A., Singh, G., & Festa, G. (2023), "Innovative profiles of TQM in banking management. The relationship between employees training and risk mitigation", The TQM Journal, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-22, ISSN: 1754-2731, DOI: 10.1108/TQM-01-2022-0043.
155 (Classe A). Kolte, A., Festa, G., Sohag, K., & Rossi, M. (2022), “Ambidextrous Positioning of Asian IVCs and CVCs from a Knowledge-Based View”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), forthcoming, pp. 1-16, ISSN: 0965-254X, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2022.2138953.
154. Festa, G., Melanthiou, Y., & Meriano, P. (2022), “Engineering the Metaverse for Innovating the Electronic Business: A Socio-technological Perspective” (pp. 65-86). Thrassou, A., Vrontis, D., Efthymiou, L., Weber, Y., Shams, S.M.R., & Tsoukatos, E. (Eds.), Business Advancement through Technology (Vol. II): The Changing Landscape of Industry and Employment, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-031-07764-7, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07765-4_4.
153. Festa, G., Pjero, E., & Feoli, S. (2022), “The Social Impact of Clinical Tools for Neuromarketing Research: Possible Applications for the Wine Sector” (pp. 117-136). Thrassou, A., Vrontis, D., Efthymiou, L., Weber, Y., Shams, S.M.R., & Tsoukatos, E. (Eds.), Business Advancement through Technology (Vol. I): Markets and Marketing in Transition, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-031-07768-5, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07769-2_6.
152. D’Amato, A., Festa, G., & Metallo, G. (2022), “Corporate social responsibility, corporate reputation e stabilità delle banche. Il ruolo dell’assetto istituzionale”, pp. 1-8, Proceedings of the 19th Italian Marketing Society Conference titled “Next Generation Marketing - People, Planet, Place: cooperation & shared value for a new era of critical marketing”, University of Salerno, Italy, 20-21 October, ISBN: 978-88-943918-8-6.
151. Gagliardi, R.A., Festa, G., Pacilli, L., Grandhi, B., & Rossi, M. (2022), “COVID-19 and clinical pathways management – A case study”, pp. 331-344, Book of Proceedings of the 15th EuroMed Conference entitled “Sustainable Business Concepts and Practices”, University of Palermo, Italy, 21-23 September, ISBN: 978-9963-711-96-3.
150. Festa, G., Feoli, S., Rauhut Kompaniets, O., & Rossi, M. (2022), “Potential connections between innovation and branding in healthcare – A case study”, pp. 304-318, Book of Proceedings of the 15th EuroMed Conference entitled “Sustainable Business Concepts and Practices”, University of Palermo, Italy, 21-23 September, ISBN: 978-9963-711-96-3.
149. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Colosimo, I., Ricciardi Celsi, L., Portesa, R., Festa, G., & La Rocca Michele (2022), “Segmenting with Big Data Analytics and Python. A Quantitative Analysis on the Household Savings”, pp. 1-5, Proceedings of the 16th Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK) Conference titled “Greening, Digitizing, and Redefining Aims in An Uncertain and Finite World”, Seville, Spain, 28-30 June, ISBN: 978-84-09-40662-3.
148. Shams, R., Galati, A., Vukovic, D., & Festa, G. (2022), "Stakeholder causal scope analysis for strategic management of big data: implications for the European-Mediterranean region" (Guest Editorial), EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 289-294, ISSN: 1450-2194, DOI: 10.1108/EMJB-09-2022-202.
147. Festa, G., Rossi, M., & Vrontis, D. (2022), "Reinterpreting competitive strategies in turbulent scenarios" (Guest Editorial), Competitiveness Review, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 277-281, ISSN: 1059-5422, DOI: 10.1108/CR-04-2022-172.
146. Kolte, A., Festa, G., Rossi, M., Thrassou, A., Vrontis, D., & Christofi, M. (2022), "Ambidexterity’s Influence on Export Strategy Development – The Case of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry", Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 64 No. 5, pp. 465-476, ISSN: 1096-4762, DOI: 10.1002/tie.22278.
145 (Classe A). Festa, G., Elbahri, S., Cuomo, M.T., Ossorio, M., & Rossi, M. (2022), "FinTech ecosystem as influencer of young entrepreneurial intentions: Empirical findings from Tunisia", Journal of In-tellectual Capital, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 205-226, ISSN: 1469-1930, DOI: 10.1108/JIC-08-2021-0220.
144. Assenova, K., Rossi, M., Koloszár, L., & Festa, G. (2022), “Financing structure of the corporate investments in the Bulgarian economy”, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 236-246, ISSN: 1753-6715, DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2022.10045807.
143 (Classe A). Civitillo, R., Festa, G., Priporas, C., & Rossi, M. (2022), “Intellectual capital in nonprofit organizations: a focus on social capital as a marketing enabler", International Marketing Review, Vol. 39 No. 5, pp. 1052-1068, ISSN: 0265-1335, DOI: 10.1108/IMR-01-2021-0029.
142 (Classe A). Chouaibi, S., Festa, G., Quaglia, R., & Rossi, M. (2022), “The risky impact of digital transformation on organizational performance – evidence from Tunisia”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 178 No. (2022), Article 121571, pp. 1-6, ISSN: 0040-1625, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121571.
141 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Chouaibi, J., Graziano, D., & Festa, G. (2022), “Corporate venture capitalists as entrepreneurial knowledge accelerators in global innovation ecosystems”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 142 No. (2022), pp. 512-523, ISSN: 0148-2963, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.01.003.
140 (Classe A). Cuomo, M.T., Colosimo, I., Ricciardi Celsi, L., Ferulano, R., Festa, G., La Rocca, M. (2022), “Enhancing traveller experience in integrated mobility services via big social data analytics”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 176 No. (2022), pp. 1-7, ISSN: 0040-1625, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121460.
139 (Classe A). D'Amato, A., Festa, G., Dhir, A., & Rossi, M. (2021), "Cooperatives' performance relative to investor-owned firms: a non-distorted approach for the wine sector", British Food Journal, Vol. 124 No. 13, pp. 35-52, ISSN: 0007-070X, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-03-2021-0275.
138. Festa, G., Meriano, P., & Pjero, E. (Beqiraj) (2021), "Potential frontiers of wine tourism marketing in the main countries of the old world of wine", Esperienze d'impresa, Vol. (2021) No. 2, pp. 91-104, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.57570/106616.
137. Festa, G., & Feoli, S. (2021), “Un’analisi sistematica del potenziale strategico di crescita/sviluppo derivante dall’operazione “Campari – Tannico””, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2021) No. 1, pp. 115-129, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.57570/104715.
136. Assenova, K., Rossi, M., & Festa, G. (2020), “Bank Credits and Market Capitals in Financing Bulgarian Investments – Towards a New Deal?”, pp. 53-61, Book of Proceedings of the 14th EuroMed Conference entitled “Contemporary Business Concepts and Strategies in the New Era”, Virtual Conference at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 22-23 September, ISBN: 978-9963-711-90-1.
135. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Danovi, A., Festa, G., & Metallo, G. (2021), “Toward a ‘New Normal’? Tourist Preferences Impact on Hospitality Industry Competitiveness”, Corporate Reputation Review, Vol. (ahead-of-print) No. (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-14, ISSN: 1363-3589, DOI: 10.1057/s41299-021-00123-7.
134. Festa, G., Meriano, P., and Shams, S.M.R. (2021), “Marketing Wine Tourism in Europe: Key Levers from a Literature Review on Italy, France, Spain, and Germany”, Book of Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, co-organized by the International Hellenic University (Thessaloniki, Greece) and the University of Glasgow (Scot-land) and endorsed by the University of Gloucestershire (UK), Virtual, 3-5 September 2021, pp. 270-277, ISBN: 978-618-5630-00-3.
133 (Classe A). Amouri, A., Festa, G., Shams, S.M.R., Sakka, G., & Rossi, M. (2021), “Technological propensity, financial constraints, and entrepreneurial limits in young entrepreneurs’ social business enterprises: The Tunisian experience”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 173 No. (2021), Article 121126, pp. 1-8, ISSN: 0040-1625, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121126.
132. Cuomo, M.T., Colosimo, I., Ricciardi Celsi, L., Festa, G., La Rocca, M. (2021), “Enhancing Tourist Experience in Integrated Door-To-Door Mobility Services on Big Social Data Analytics”, pp. 1-4, Book of Proceedings of the 14th ACIEK - Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference (formerly INEKA, formerly GIKA) entitled “Innovation, Management And Governance For Sustainable Growth”, Paris, France, 14-16 June, ISBN: 978-84-09-30178-2.
131. Festa, G., Chirico, S., Chouaibi, J., & Civitillo, R. (2021), “Cultural approach to healthcare risk management An Italian experience with LASA (look-alike, sound-alike) drugs”, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 64-79, ISSN: 1753-6715, DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2021.116220.
130. Schiavone, F., & Festa, G. (2021), “Innovative Paradigms for Enhancing Healthcare Service Performance”, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 1-7, ISSN: 2032-5355, DOI: 10.3917/JIE.035.0001.
129 (Classe A). Festa, G., Kolte, A., Carli, M., & Rossi, M. (2021), “Envisioning the Challenges of the Pharmaceutical Sector in the Indian Healthcare Industry: A Scenario Analysis”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 37 No. 8, pp. 1662-1674, ISSN: 0885-8624, DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-07-2020-0365.
128 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Festa, G., Chouaibi, S., Fait, M., & Papa, A. (2021), "The effects of business ethics and corporate social responsibility on intellectual capital voluntary disclosure", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 22 No. 7, pp. 1-23, ISSN: 1469-1930, DOI: 10.1108/JIC-08-2020-0287.
127 (Classe A). Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Foroudi, P., Giordano, A., Festa, G., & Metallo, G. (2021), “Digital transformation and tourist experience co-design: Big social data for planning cultural tourism” (revised and expanded version), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 162 No. (2021), pp. 1-9, ISSN: 0040-1625, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120345.
126. Festa, G., Corbini, P., & Piscolla, I. (2020), “Profili comunicativi dell’informazione internet-based nel campo dell’enoturismo in Italia al tempo dell’emergenza Covid-19”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2020) No. 1/2, pp. 109-118, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.57570/103178.
125. Rossi, M., Festa, G., Kolte, A., & Shams, S.M.R. (2020), “The strange case of the Jet Airways bankruptcy - A financial structure analysis”, Journal of Operational Risk, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 37-52, ISSN: 1744-6740, DOI: 10.21314/JOP.2020.245.
124. Koloszár, L., Rossi, M., Festa, G., Papa, A., & Graziano, D. (2020), “A theoretical approach to cost of capital evaluation from a knowledge management perspective”, pp. 639-656, Book of Proceedings of the 13th EuroMed Conference entitled “Business Theory and Practice Across Industries and Markets”, Virtual Conference at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 9-10 September, ISBN: 9789963711895.
123. Festa, G., Ruberto, M., Chirico, S., Shams, R. (2020), “Clinical and economic appropriateness in Laboratory Medicine – An Application evidence”, pp. 427-439, Book of Proceedings of the 13th EuroMed Conference entitled “Business Theory and Practice Across Industries and Markets”, Virtual Conference at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 9-10 September, ISBN: 9789963711895.
122. Civitillo, R., Festa, G., Nardo, M.T., Chouaibi, S. (2020), “Intellectual capital as social capital in non-profit organizations: a systematic literature review”, pp. 265-281, Book of Proceedings of the 13th EuroMed Conference entitled “Business Theory and Practice Across Industries and Markets”, Virtual Conference at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, 9-10 September, ISBN: 9789963711895.
121 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Festa, G., Papa, A., Kolte, A., & Piccolo, R. (2020), “Knowledge Management Behaviors in Venture Capital Crossroads: A Comparison between IVC and CVC Ambidexterity”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 24 No. 10, pp. 2431-2454, ISSN: 1367-3270, DOI: 10.1108/JKM-05-2020-0328.
120 (Classe A). Festa, G., Rossi, M., Kolte, A., & Marinelli, L. (2020 Online, & 2021 Print), “The Contribution of Intellectual Capital to Financial Stability in Indian Pharmaceutical Companies”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021), pp. 337-359, ISSN: 1469-1930, DOI: 10.1108/JIC-03-2020-0091.
119. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Foroudi, P., & Metallo, G. (2020), “Wine Tourism as a Non-Core Business Strategy for Small Wineries”, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp., 149-164, ISSN: 1753-6715, DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2020.109136.
118 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Festa, G., Devalle, A., & Mueller, J. (2020), “When Corporations Get Disruptive, the Disruptive Get Corporate: Financing Disruptive Technologies Through Corporate Venture Capital”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 118 No. (2020), pp. 378-388, ISSN: 0148-2963, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.07.004.
117. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Festa, G., Giordano, A., Metallo, G., & Foroudi, P. (2020), “Digital transformation and tourist experience co-design: big social data for planning cultural tour”, pp. 1-4, Book of Proceedings of the 11th ACIEK (formerly INEKA, formerly GIKA) Conference entitled “Challenges and opportunities: How are technology, information and marketing affecting the interconnected world?”, Madrid, Spain, 23-24 June, ISBN: 978-84-09-20310-9.
116 (Classe A). Smyczek, S., Festa, G., Rossi, M., & Mazzoleni, A. (2020), “Contextual complexity in business relationships within the input-output model – evidence of misbehaviour in grocery stores in Poland”, British Food Journal, Vol. 122 No. 11, pp. 3601-3621, ISSN: 0007-070X, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-12-2019-0894.
115. Festa, G., Rossi, M., Kolte, A., & Situm, M. (2020), “Territory-based knowledge management in international marketing processes – the case of “Made in Italy” SMEs”, European Business Review, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 425-442, ISSN: 0955-534X, DOI: 10.1108/EBR-06-2019-0129.
114 (Classe A). Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Giordano, A., Festa, G., Metallo, G., & Martinelli, E. (2020), “User‐generated content in the era of digital well‐being: A netnographic analysis in a healthcare marketing context” (revised and expanded version), Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 4, pp. 578-587, ISSN:1520-6793, DOI: 10.1002/mar.21327.
113. Cuomo, M.T.,Tortora, D., Festa, G., Ceruti, F. & Metallo, G. (2020), “Managing omni-customer brand experience via Augmented Reality. A qualitative investigation in the Italian fashion retailing system”, Qualitative Market Research Journal, Vol. 23 No. 3, pp. 427-445, ISSN: 1352-2752, DOI: 10.1108/QMR-11-2017-0142.
112 (Classe A). Smyczek, S., Festa, G., Rossi, M., & Monge, F. (2020), “Economic sustainability of wine tourism services and direct sales performance – emergent profiles from Italy”, British Food Journal, Vol. 122 No. 5, pp. 1519-1529, ISSN: 0007-070X, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-08-2019-0651.
111. Festa, G., Shams, S.M.R., Metallo, G., & Cuomo, M.T. (2020), “Opportunities and challenges in the contribution of wine routes to wine tourism in Italy – A stakeholders' perspective of development”, Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. (2020) No. 33, pp. 1-9 (Article 100585), ISSN: 2211-9736, DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2019.100585.
110 (Classe A). Foroudi, P., Cuomo, M.T., Rossi, M., & Festa, G. (2020), “Country-of-origin effect and millennials’ wine preferences—a comparative experiment”, British Food Journal, Vol. 122 No. 8, pp. 2425-2441, ISSN: 0007-070X, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-06-2019-0468.
109 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Festa, G., Papa, A., & Scorrano, P. (2019 Online, & 2021 Print), “Corporate Venture Capitalists’ Ambidexterity: Myth or Truth?”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68 No. 2 (2021), pp. 430-441, ISSN: 0018-9391, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2019.2903984.
108 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Festa, G., Fiano, F., & Giacobbe, R. (2019 Online, & 2020 Print), “To invest or to harvest? Corporate venture capital ambidexterity for exploiting/exploring innovation in technological business”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 26 No. 5 (2020), pp. 1157-1181, ISSN: 1463-7154, DOI: 10.1108/BPMJ-05-2019-0204.
107. Festa, G. (2019), “Global Branding”, pp. 199-213, in Foroudi, P., & Palazzo, M. (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Branding, Routledge, Abingdon, UK, ISBN: 9781138368538.
106. Festa, G., Shams, S.M.R., Metallo, G., & Cuomo, M.T. (2019), “Enhancing stakeholder networks in wine tourism – evidence from Italian small municipalities”, EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 349-360, ISSN: 1450-2194, DOI: 10.1108/EMJB-02-2019-0027.
105. Rossi, M., Kolte, A., Festa, G., Pawar, P., & Gunardi, A. (2019), “Financial structure instability as failure symptom in the aviation industry – The Jet Airways Bankruptcy case”, pp. 1048-1058, Book of Proceedings of the 12th EuroMed Conference entitled “Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-20 September, ISBN: 9789963711819.
104. Festa, G., Rossi, M., Benvenuti, P., & Panahov, T. (2019), “Wine tourism services as competitive factor for direct sales development – Evidence from Italy”, pp. 200-210, Book of Proceedings of the 12th EuroMed Conference entitled “Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-20 September, ISBN: 9789963711819.
103. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Giordano, A., Festa, G., Metallo, G., & Martinelli, E. (2019), “User-generated content in the era of digital wellbeing. A nethnographic analysis in oncology contexts”, pp. 1-19, Book of Proceedings of the 10th INEKA (formerly GIKA) Conference entitled “Knowledge, Business, and Innovation. Economies and sustainability of future growth”, Verona, Italy, 11-13 June, ISBN: 9788409110605.
102. Rossi, M., Festa, G., Gunardi, A. (2019), “The Evolution of Public-Private Partnerships in a Comparison between Europe and Italy: Some Perspectives for the Energy Sector”, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 403-413, ISSN: 2146-4553, DOI: 10.32479/ijeep.7815.
101. Giacosa, E., Rossi, M., Festa, G., & Ferraris, A. (2019), “Wine and the “spirit” of the territory: The Langhe case as a successful wine tourism destination “system”, Tourism Analysis, Vol. 24 No. (2019), pp. 291-304, ISSN: 1943-3999, DOI: 10.3727/108354219X15511864843821.
100. Festa, G., Metallo, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Situm, M. (2019), “Crowdfunding in wine business as financing opportunity for smaller wineries”, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, Special Issue on “Financial Resources for SMEs: From Bank Loans to Venture Capitalist Support. The Old and the New Ways to Raise Capital for Smaller Firms”, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 278-292, ISSN: 1479-3059, DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2019.100126.
99. Rossi, M., Festa, G., Capasso, A., & Metallo, G. (2019), “Editorial”, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, Vol. 10 No. 3, Special Issue on “Financial Resources for SMEs: From Bank Loans to Venture Capitalist Support. The Old and the New Ways to Raise Capital for Smaller Firms”, pp. 187-190, ISSN: 1479-3059, DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2019.100126.
98 (Classe A). Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Metallo, G. (2019), “The service-dominant logic perspective for enhancing the e-commerce of wine - A test/application on the Italian wine sector”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 101 No. (2019), pp. 477-484, ISSN: 0148-2963, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.077.
97. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Mazzucchelli, A., Festa, G., Di Gregorio, A., & Metallo, G. (2019), “Impacts of code of ethics on financial performance in the Italian listed companies of bank sector”, Journal of Business Accounting and Finance Perspectives, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 158-179, ISSN: 2603-7475, DOI: 10.26870/jbafp.2018.01.005.
96. Festa, G., & Curci, G. (2018), “Un’indagine empirica sul turismo enogastronomico come opportunità di “non-core-business” per le imprese agro-alimentari”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2018) No. 2, pp. 107-130, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.3280/EI2018-002006.
95.D’Isanto, & Festa, G. (2018), “Analisi dell’efficacia e miglioramento continuo nei programmi di screening oncologico - Il caso di studio del distretto socio-sanitario 19 Lusciano dell’ASL Caserta”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2018) No. 1, pp. 109-126, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.3280/EI2018-001006.
94. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Metallo, G., & Benvenuti, P. (2018), “Public-private cooperation in wine tourism - A territorial model for small municipalities in Italy”, pp. 498-507, Proceedings of the 11th EuroMed Conference entitled “Research Advancements in National and Global Business Theory and Practice”, Valletta, Malta, 12-14 September, ISBN: 9789963711673, ISSN: 2547-8516.
93. Festa, G., Rossi, M., Martini, E., & Abbate, T. (2018), “Territorial capitalism and global competition: the ‘Made in Italy’ challenge for SMEs”, pp. 508-524, Proceedings of the 11th EuroMed Conference entitled “Research Advancements in National and Global Business Theory and Practice”, Valletta, Malta, 12-14 September, ISBN: 9789963711673, ISSN: 2547-8516.
92. Rossi, M., & Festa, G. (2018), “Public-private partnerships: problem or solution? Features and trends in EU-28”, pp. 1177-1188, Book of Proceedings of the 11th EuroMed Conference entitled “Research Advancements in National and Global Business Theory and Practice”, Valletta, Malta, 12-14 September, ISBN: 9789963711673, ISSN: 2547-8516.
91 (Classe A). Festa, G., Safraou, I., Cuomo, M.T., & Solima, L. (2018), “Big data for big pharma: Harmonizing business process management to enhance ambidexterity”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 1110-1123, ISSN: 1463-7154, DOI: 10.1108/BPMJ-10-2017-0272.
90. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Metallo, G. (2018), “Service Dominant Logic for Wine E-Commerce Sites - Evidence from Italy”, pp. 1-10, Book of Proceedings of the 8th GIKA Conference entitled “Digital Transformations and Value Creation in International Markets”, Valencia, Spain, 25-27 June, ISBN: 9788409002535.
89. Lega, F., Vendramini, E., Festa, G. & Coscioni, E. (2018), “Myth #4: The Healthcare System Can Be Fixed by Treating It More as a Business”, pp. 103-121, in Adinolfi, P., & Borgonovi, E. (Eds.), The Myths of Health Care - Towards New Models of Leadership and Management in the Healthcare Sector, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN: 9783319535999.
88. Festa, G., & Raffaelli, V. (2017), “Il Service Design come modello d’innovazione dei processi enoturistici - il case study “Bodega Vistalba” (Mendoza, Argentina)”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2017) No. 2, pp. 109-117, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.3280/EI2017-002006.
87. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Metallo, G. & Foroudi, P. (2017), “Influence of country-of-origin reputation in wine preferences of millennials: a comparative experiment between France and Italy”, pp. 52-54, Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on “Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation” (COBIIR), London, United Kingdom, 7-8 September.
86 (Classe A). Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Festa, G., Giordano, A., & Metallo G. (2017), “Enablers for end-user entrepreneurship: An investigation on Italian food bloggers”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 34 No. 12, pp. 1109-1118, ISSN: 1520-6793, DOI: 10.1002/mar.21051.
85. Festa, G., Ciasullo, M.V., Vrontis, D., & Thrassou, A. (2017), “Cooperating for Competing - A Small Italian Wineries’ Internationalization Strategy Case Study”, Global Business and Economics Review, Vol. 19 No. 5, pp. 648-670, ISSN: 1097-4954, DOI: 10.1504/GBER.2017.10004435.
84. Festa, G., Rossi, M., Cuomo, M.T., & Metallo, G. (2017), “Capital budgeting for information technology service management. Modeling, classifying, and disclosure from a structural capital perspective”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 35 No. 102, pp. 103-114, ISSN: 0393-5108, DOI: 10.7433/s102.2017.08.
83. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Festa, G., Giordano, A., & Metallo, G. (2017), “Accidental Entrepreneurs Triggered by Passion, Experience and Sharing. An Investigation on Food Bloggers via Ethnographic Analysis”, pp. 1-17, Book of Proceedings of the 7th GIKA Conference - Special Track entitled “Innovation, Knowledge, Judgment, and Decision-Making as Virtuous Cycles”, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-23 March, ISBN: 9788491522270.
82. Festa, G., & Festa, A. (2017), “Complessità ed economia: economia dei sistemi complessi”, pp. 193-208, in Teti, A. (Ed.), Lavorare con i Big Data - La guida completa per il Data Scientist, Tecniche Nuove, Milan, Italy, ISBN: 9788848131544.
81 (Classe A). Rossi, M., Festa, G., Solima, L., & Popa, S. (2017), “Financing knowledge-intensive enterprises: evidence from CVCs in the US”, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 42 No. 2, pp. 338-353, ISSN: 0892-9912, DOI: 10.1007/s10961-016-9495-2.
80. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Mazzucchelli, A., Festa, G., Di Gregorio, A., & Metallo, G. (2016), “Effects of corporate ethical practices on financial performance in the Italian banking services listed companies”, pp. 165-182, Book of Proceedings of the 19th Toulon-Verona International Conference entitled “Excellence in Services”, University of Huelva, Spain, 5-6 September, ISBN: 9788890432767.
79. Annarumma, C., Festa, G., Piscopo, G., & Palumbo, R. (2016), “I percorsi di cura e la centralità del paziente”, pp. 29-34, in Adinolfi, P., & Tartaglia Polcini, P. (Eds.), Il controllo dei costi in sanità secondo il modello Activity-based. Prime riflessioni ed esperienze di cambiamento organizzativo, Aracne, Rome, Italy, ISBN: 9788854891913.
78. Cuomo, M.T., Ceruti, F., Festa, G., Metallo, G., & Tortora, D. (2016), “Augmented Reality in Stores for a New Customer Experience: The Case of ‘The Supermarket of the Future’ at Expo 2015”, pp. 233-236, Book of Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Corporate Marketing and Communications entitled “Integrated Communications and Branding. Past, Present, Future”, 7-8 April, London, UK, ISBN: 9781859246146.
77. Cagnina, M.R., Abbate, T., Gallucci, C., Festa, G., D’Amato, A., Maizza, A., Cinici, M.C., & D’Amico, A. (2016), “La validazione del concept store attraverso un questionario di soddisfazione dei clienti internazionali”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 34 No. 39, pp. 177-212, ISSN: 0393-5108.
76. Cuomo, M.T., D’Amato, A., De Franciscis, O., Festa, G., & Metallo, G. (2016), Dalla Strategia al Piano - Elementi informativi e di supporto, pp. 1-322, Giappichelli, Turin, Italy, ISBN: 9788892103658.
75. Festa, G., Festa, A., Metallo, G., & Cuomo, M.T. (2016), “A conceptual model for the sustainable development of integrated port logistics”, pp. 691-704, Book of Proceedings of the 9th Euromed Conference entitled “Innovation, entrepreneurship, and Digital Ecosystems”, Warsaw, Poland, 14-16 September, ISBN: 9789963711437.
74 (Classe A). Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Festa, G., Giordano, A., & Metallo, G. (2016), “Exploring consumer insights in wine marketing: an ethnographic research on #winelovers” (revised and expanded version), Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 33 No. 12, pp. 1082-1090, ISSN: 1520-6793, DOI: 10.1002/mar.20942.
73. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., & Metallo, G. (2016), “Public-Private Partnerships from a business management perspective - Risks and opportunities for SMEs in Europe”, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 239-250, ISSN: 1479-3059, DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2016.080377.
72. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Metallo, G., & Foroudi, P. (2016), “Building a ‘Non-Core Business Theory’ - The Case of Wine Tourism for Wine Firms”, pp. 1-8, Book of Proceedings of the 6th GIKA Conference - Special Track entitled “Turning Kurt Lewin on his head: Nothing is so theoretical as a good practice”, Valencia, Spain, 20-23 March, ISBN: 9788460838401.
71. Cuomo, M.T., Tortora, D., Festa, G., Giordano, A., & Metallo G. (2016), “Exploring consumer insights in wine marketing: an ethnographic research on #winelovers”, pp. 1-10, Book of Proceedings of the 6th GIKA Conference - Special Track entitled “The Role of Qualitative Research in Current Digital Social Media: Aspects and Issues”, Valencia, Spain, 20-23 March, ISBN: 9788460838401.
70. Ciasullo, M.V., Festa, G., & Festa, A. (2016), “Smart management of port logistic networks - The Italian case”, pp. 207-232, in Vrontis, D., Bresciani, S., & Rossi, M. (Eds.), Managing Globalization. New Business Models, Strategies and Innovation of Firms, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, ISBN: 9781443888974.
69 (Classe A). Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Metallo, G., & Festa, A. (2016), “The (r)evolution of wine marketing mix: From the 4Ps to the 4Es” (revised and expanded version), Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69 No. 5, pp. 1550-1555, ISSN: 0148-2963, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10.015.
68. Festa, G. (2016), “Aspetti scientifici di natura economica”, pp. 112-113, in Castiglione, S. (Ed.), Biodiversità, Conservazione Tutela giuridica e Promozione dell’olivo - Il caso degli olivi monumentali dell’Irpinia, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, Italy, ISBN: 9788849529647.
67. Festa, G., & Festa, A. (2016), “Problematiche e opportunità della valorizzazione economica degli olivi e degli oli monumentali - Un focus sul territorio dell’Irpinia”, pp. 85-107, in Castiglione, S. (Ed.), Biodiversità, Conservazione Tutela giuridica e Promozione dell’olivo - Il caso degli olivi monumentali dell’Irpinia, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, Italy, ISBN: 9788849529647.
66. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Metallo, G. (2015), “Investment evaluation in Information Technology Service Management - A theoretical model for classification and measurement”, pp. 844-851, Book of Proceedings of the 8th Euromed Conference entitled “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Value Chain in a Dynamic Environment”, University of Verona, Italy, 16-18 September, ISBN: ISBN: 9789963711376.
65. Festa, G., Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., & Ciasullo, M.V. (2015), “A value co-creation model for wine tourism”, International Journal of Management Practice, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 247-267, ISSN: 1477-9064, DOI: 10.1504/IJMP.2015.072767.
64. Rossi, M., & Festa, G. (2015), “Editorial”, International Journal of Management Practice, Vol. 8 No. 3, Special Issue on “Competitiveness of Agro-Food Firms: Threats and Opportunities”, pp. 169-171, ISSN: 1477-9064.
63. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T., Metallo, G., & Festa, A. (2015), “The (r)evolution of wine marketing mix - From 4Ps to 4Es”, pp. 1-17, Book of Proceedings of the 5th GIKA Conference entitled “New Knowledge Impacts on Designing Implementable Innovative Realities”, Valencia, Spain, 13-16 July, ISBN: 9788460660071.
62. Pellicano, M., Ciasullo, M.V., & Festa, G. (2015), “The analysis of the relational context in wine tourism”, pp. 307-328, Book of Proceedings of the 1st Euromed Specialized Niche Conference entitled “Contemporary Trends and Perspectives in Wine and Agrifood Management”, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, 16-17 January, ISBN: 9789963711307.
61. Ciasullo, M.V., Festa, G., & Maione, M. (2014), “A sustainable vision of port supply chain. A study on the automotive sector”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2014) No. 2, pp. 51-75, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.3280/EI2014-002004.
60. Ciasullo, M.V., & Festa, G. (2014), “Ethical capital for the renaissance of disadvantaged territories - The Libera Terra case study in the wine sector”, Piccola Impresa / Small Business, Vol. (2014) No. 3, pp. 39-62, ISSN: 0394-7947, DOI: 10.14596/pisb.180.
59. D’Amato, A., & Festa, G. (2014), “Assetti proprietari e problematiche di governance nelle piccole imprese familiari del comparto vitivinicolo. Il case study dell’Azienda Agricola “Di Marzo”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2014) No. 1, pp. 5-27, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.3280/EI2014-001001.
58. Ciasullo, M.V., & Festa, G. (2014), “Recovery and revitalization of disadvantaged areas by transfer of “ethical capital” - Some empirical evidence in the wine sector”, pp. 1332-1346, Proceedings of the Montclair International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development – SGBED entitled “Intangibles”: Business and Entrepreneurship Perspectives in a Global Context”, “Politecnica delle Marche” University, Ancona, Italy, 16-18 July, ISBN: 9788890779572.
57. Tommasetti, A., & Festa G. (2014), “An Analysis of Wine Tourism in Italy from a Strategic Service-Based Perspective”, Service Science, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 122-135, ISSN: 2164-3970, DOI: 10.1287/serv.2014.0070.
56. Ciasullo, M.V., & Festa, G. (2014), “Sampling issues and management solutions in internet-based market researches”, Mondo Digitale, Vol. XIII No. 49, available at, pp. 1-16, ISBN: 1720-898X (English Version).
55. Tommasetti, A., & Festa, G. (2014), “The multidimensional value of transparency in healthcare organizations computerization”, Mondo Digitale, Vol. XIII No. 49, available at, pp. 1-18, ISBN: 1720-898X (English Version).
54. Ciasullo, M.V., & Festa, G. (2013), “Sampling issues and management solutions in internet-based market researches”, pp. 634-643, Book of Proceedings of the 50th AICA National Congress entitled “Frontiere Digitali: dal Digital Divide alla Smart Society”, 18-20 September, University of Salerno, Italy, ISBN: 9788898091164 (Italian Version).
53. Tommasetti, A., & Festa, G. (2013), “The multidimensional value of transparency in healthcare organizations computerization”, pp. 77-86, Book of Proceedings of the 50th AICA National Congress entitled “Frontiere Digitali: dal Digital Divide alla Smart Society”, 18-20 September, University of Salerno, Italy, ISBN: 9788898091164 (Italian Version).
52. Ciasullo, M.V., & Festa, G. (2013), “The governance of ‘collective’ strategies for internationalization: small businesses in the Italian wine sector”, pp. 560-578, Book of Proceedings of the 6th EuroMed Conference entitled “Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges through Management Innovation”, Estoril, Cascais, Portugal, 23-24 September, ISBN: 9789963711161.
51. Festa, G., & Mainolfi, G. (2013), “Il comportamento del consumatore / degustatore nel wine marketing. Una prospettiva per l’Italian Way of Wine”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2013) No. 1, pp. 35-57, ISSN: 1971-5293, DOI: 10.3280/EI2013-001002.
50. Ciasullo, M.V., & Festa, G. (2012), “La reputazione del territorio nella comunicazione del vino”, pp. 563-577, Book of Proceedings of the 24th Sinergie Conference entitled “Il territorio come giacimento di vitalità per l’impresa”, 18-19 October, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, ISBN: 9788890739408.
49. Festa, G., & Mazza, S. (2011), “Il teatro d’impresa nell’innovazione dei processi di formazione economico/manageriale”, pp. 165-186, in Marino, V. (Ed.), I processi di orientamento in uscita - Contenuti metodi e strumenti per l’accesso al mondo del lavoro, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, Italy, ISBN: 9788863422450.
48. Festa, G. (2011), “Il capital budgeting nelle decisioni d’impresa”, pp. 241-264, in Tommasetti, A., & Bisogno, M. (Eds.), I costi preventivi e consuntivi nelle decisioni d’impresa, Angeli, Milan, Italy, ISBN: 9788856835953.
47. Teti, A., & Festa, G. (2010), “Il contributo della certificazione ECDL Health alla sicurezza dell’informazione in sanità”, pp. 185-203, in Di Resta, F., & Ferraris di Celle, B. (Eds.), La sicurezza nei Sistemi Informativi Sanitari, Edisef, Rome, Italy, ISBN: 9788865710036.
46. D’Amato, A., & Festa, G. (2009), “La valutazione strategica dei processi di privatizzazione”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2009) No. 1, pp. 57-81, ISSN: 1971-5293.
45. Festa, G., & Chirico, S. (2009), “The Evolution of Risk Management in Health Organisations from an Operative Mechanism to a Cultural Perspective”, pp. 1-12, Proceedings of the 2nd Euromed Conference entitled “Managerial and Entrepreneurial Developments in the Mediterranean Area”, 26-28 October, University of Salerno, Italy (former DOI: 10.3292/FESTA-GIUSEPPE at
44. Festa, G. (2009), “Un’analisi proattiva della relazione tra “diverse abilità”, produttività e tecnologia”, pp. 287-304, in Metallo, G., Ricci, P., & Migliaccio, G. (Eds.), La risorsa umana “diversamente abile” nell’economia dell’azienda, Giappichelli, Turin, Italy, ISBN: 9788834894910.
43. Teti, A., & Festa, G. (2009), ECDL Health - Sistemi informativi per la sanità, pp. 1-236, Apogeo, Milan, Italy, ISBN: 9788850328208.
42. Teti, A., & Festa, G. (2009), “The Development of Professional Competences in Health Informatics: the Experimentation of the ‘ECDL Health’ Certification in Italy”, Upgrade - The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 49-54, ISSN: 1684-5285.
41. Festa, G, Metallo, G., & Cuomo, M.T. (2009), “Financial feasibility of sustainable events”, pp. 249-258, in Raj, R., & Musgrave, J. (Eds.), Event Management and Sustainability, CABI, Wallingford, UK, ISBN: 9781845935245.
40. Cuomo, M.T., Festa, G., Tortora, D., & Metallo, G. (2008), “Segmentation by character traits: a preliminary empirical assessment for tourism sector products” (revised and expanded version), World Journal of Tourism, Leisure & Sports, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 19-30, ISSN: 1819-8570.
39. Metallo, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Festa, G. (2007), “La leadership nello sviluppo dell'impresa”, pp. 143-187, in Metallo, G., & Cuomo, M.T. (Eds.), Management e sviluppo d’impresa, Giappichelli, Turin, Italy, ISBN: 9788834874356.
38. D’Amato, A., & Festa, G. (2007), “Rischio e Valore degli Investimenti”, in VV.AA. (Eds.), Banca Dati CBFC (Contabilità Bilancio Finanza Controllo), il Sole 24 Ore, Milan, Italy, Vol. 1.
37. D’Amato, A., & Festa, G. (2007), “Caratteri dei Criteri di Valutazione degli Investimenti”, in VV.AA. (Eds.), Banca Dati CBFC (Contabilità Bilancio Finanza Controllo), il Sole 24 Ore, Milan, Italy, Vol. 1.
36. Festa, G., Metallo, G., & Cuomo, M.T. (2007), “From Formal Quality to Substantial Quality: the Role of Business Case in Project Management”, Management & Marketing, Vol. (2007) No. 4 (as Ref. No. 30, on Editor’s Decision), pp. 49-54, ISSN: 2069-8887.
35. Festa, G., Metallo, G., & Cuomo, M.T. (2007), “From Formal Quality to Substantial Quality: the Role of Business Case in Project Management”, Review of Management and Economical Engineering, Vol. 6 No. 5 (Special Issue on “Business Excellence”), pp. 254-259, ISSN: 1583-624X.
34. Metallo, G., Festa, G., & Chirico, S. (2007), “Human Resources Training for Quality in Health Services Call Centres”, pp. 191-200, Book of Proceedings of the 10th Toulon-Verona Conference entitled “Quality in Services”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-4 September, ISBN: 9789602436424.
33. Metallo, G., & Festa, G. (2007), “Creation and Measurement of Value in Information Technology Service Management”, pp. 1-4, Proceedings of the 8h Annual GITMA (Global Information Technology Management Association) World Conference, “Federico II” University School of Engineering, Naples, Italy, 17-19 June.
32. Festa, G. (2007), “Strumenti e tecniche per lo sviluppo, la verifica e l’implementazione dei sistemi informatici”, pp. 359-379, in Teti, A. (Ed.), Business and Information System Analyst - Il manuale per l’IT Manager, Hoepli, Milan, Italy, ISBN: 9788820337322.
31. Festa, G. (2007), “Strumenti e tecniche per la progettazione dell’informazione”, pp. 201-210, in Teti, A. (Ed.), Business and Information System Analyst - Il manuale per l’IT Manager, Hoepli, Milan, Italy, ISBN: 9788820337322.
30 (Classe A). Metallo, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Festa G., (2007), “Relationship Management in the Business of Quality and Communication”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 18 No. 1, pp. 119-133, ISSN: 1478-3363, DOI: 10.1080/14783360601051859.
29. Cuomo, M.T., Festa, G., Tortora, D., & Metallo, G. (2007), “Segmentation by character traits: a preliminary empirical assessment for tourism sector products”, International Journal of Management Cases (Special Issue - Proceedings of the 4th International CIRCLE Conference, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy, 11-13 April), Vol. 9 No. 3/4, pp. 25-39, ISSN: 1741-6264.
28. Cuomo, M.T., Metallo, G., & Festa, G. (2007), “Control and analysis of proposal management in B2B: considerations and applications” (revised and expanded version), Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2007) No. 1, pp. 121-136, ISSN: 1971-5293.
27. Metallo, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Festa, G. (2006), “Control and analysis of proposal management in B2B: considerations and applications”, pp. 1-19, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress for Total Quality Management, Wellington, New Zealand, 4-7 December.
26. Cuomo, M.T., Festa, G., Tortora, D., & Metallo, G. (2006), “La segmentazione per tratti caratteriali: una prima verifica empirica nell'offerta di servizi turistici”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2006) No. 2, pp. 5-30, ISSN: 1971-5293.
25. Festa, G. (2006), “Pianificazione e controllo del valore nella gestione dei progetti ICT”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2006) No. 2, pp. 105-114, ISSN: 1971-5293.
24. Metallo, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Festa, G. (2006), “On-line Communication towards Web CRM”, pp. 194-204, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium entitled “SIMPEC”, University of Brasov, Romania, 19-20 May, ISBN: 9738204836.
23. Festa, G., Cuomo, M.T, & Festa, G. (2005), “Il proposal management nel B2B: alcune riflessioni”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2005) No. 2, pp. 33-48, ISSN: 1971-5293.
22. Metallo, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Festa, G. (2005), “Brand Strategic Role in Territory Marketing”, Proceedings of the International Conference entitled “Small and Medium Size Enterprises in European Economies and all over the World”, pp. 18-27, University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 28-29 September, ISBN: 9737898168.
21. Cuomo, M.T., Metallo, G., & Festa, G. (2005), “Relationship Management in Business Marketing between Quality and Communication”, pp. 1-20, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress for Total Quality Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 22-25 August.
20. Festa, G., & Fiore, A. (2005), “Modelli teorici e soluzioni empiriche per l’esercizio del Web Writing”, Book of Proceedings of the Postgraduate Course of the University of Salerno entitled “Percorsi Modulari e Applicazioni Multimediali per la didattica delle Lingue Straniere nella Scuola Secondaria di I e II Grado”, Ermes, Potenza, Italy, pp. 83-100, ISBN: 888768748X.
19. Festa, G. (2004), “Applicazioni del Contact Center nel CRM farmaceutico”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2004) No. S/3, pp. 271-280, ISSN: 1971-5293.
18. Festa, G. (2004), “L’analisi dei processi aziendali nel Contact Center”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2004) No. S/3, pp. 39-52, ISSN: 1971-5293.
17. Festa, G. (2004), “La gestione delle risorse umane nei processi di controllo delle aziende sanitarie”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2004) No. 2, pp. 131-146, ISSN: 1971-5293.
16. Metallo, G., Cuomo, M.T., & Festa, G. (2004), “Brand e leadership nella comunicazione pubblicitaria”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2004) No. 1, pp. 5-18, ISSN: 1971-5293.
15. D’Amato, A., & Festa, G. (2004), “Il controllo di gestione nelle imprese della New Economy”, pp. 311-350, in Antonelli, V., & D’Alessio, R. (Eds.), Casi di controllo di gestione, IPSOA, Milan, Italy, ISBN 9788821726439.
14. Metallo, G., & Festa, G. (2004), “Business Management Value in Project Financing Initiatives”, pp. 468-477, Book of Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium entitled “SIMPEC”, 14-15 May, University of Brasov, Romania, ISBN: 9738204585.
13. Festa, G. (2004), “Dalle Nuove Tecnologie al CRM: profili operativi per la competitività dell’Azienda Pubblica in tempo di deregolamentazione e New Economy”, pp. 671-689, Book of Proceedings of the SVIMAP Conference entitled “I processi di deregolamentazione dei servizi pubblici. Vincoli, opportunità istituzionali e condizioni operative”, University of Salerno, Italy, 11-12 April 2002, ISBN: 9788838720116.
12. Festa, G. (2004), Evoluzioni del Marketing Management nelle Aziende Sanitarie. Scenari e soluzioni ICT, pp. 1-178, Giappichelli, Turin, Italy, ISBN: 8834835166.
11. Metallo, G., Marino, V., & Festa, G. (2003), “Business Intelligence Schemes within SMEs Functioning Processes”, pp. 63-73, Book of Proceedings of the International Conference entitled “Small and Medium Enterprises in European Economies”, University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 17-18 October, ISBN: 9738397553.
10. Metallo, G., Marino, V., & Festa, G. (2003), “Evaluation and Control Mechanisms of Knowledge Management Processes”, pp. 2-8, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress for Total Quality Management entitled “Measuring Organisational Performance in a Global Economy”, Dubai (UAE), 6-8 October.
9. Festa, G. (2003), “Percorsi Marketing-Oriented per la gestione e l’innovazione della ricerca nel settore farmaceutico”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2003) No. 1, pp. 19-32, ISSN: 1971-5293.
8. Gallucci, C., Festa, G., & D’Amato, A. (2003), “Percorsi qualitativi e quantitativi per la misurazione e la valutazione del rating d’impresa”, pp. 127-154, in Barile, S., & Metallo, G. (Eds.), Situazioni problematiche d’impresa. Riflessioni e modalità risolutive, Edizioni Culturali Internazionali, Rome, Italy.
7. Metallo, G., & Festa, G. (2003), “La progettazione dei portali Web nell’ottica del Customer Service”, pp. 15-41, in Barile, S., & Metallo, G. (Eds.), Soluzioni problematiche d’impresa. Riflessioni e modalità risolutive, Edizioni Culturali Internazionali, Rome, Italy.
6. Festa, G. (2002), “Forze sistemiche di contaminazione aziendale tra Marketing Sanitario e Nuove Tecnologie”, Esperienze d’impresa, Vol. (2002) No. 2, pp. 71-80, ISSN: 1971-5293.
5. Metallo, G., Marino, V., & Festa, G. (2002), “Operative Profiles of Competitive Speed as a Systemic Mechanism of SCM Type Differentiation”, pp. 683-692, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress for Total Quality Management entitled “Business Excellence: make it happen!”, University of Verona, Italy, 25-27 June.
4. Metallo, G., Marino, V., & Festa, G. (2002), “Dal Permission Marketing al Virtuous Marketing: l’approccio sistemico alla fidelizzazione”, Esperienze d’Impresa, Vol. (2002) No. 1, pp. 5-14, ISSN: 1971-5293.
3. Festa, G. (2001), “Il ruolo dei nuovi strumenti informatici all’interno del Sistema Informativo di Marketing”, Esperienze d’Impresa, Vol. (2001) No. 2, pp. 67-114, ISSN: 1971-5293.
2. Festa, G. (2001), Digital Business English. Glossario ragionato di Linguistica d’Impresa per la New Economy, Edisud, Salerno, Italy, ISBN: 8887907110.
1. Festa, G. (2000), “Elementi descrittivi e applicativi del linguaggio specialistico dell’Electronic Commerce: il ruolo dei Meta-Tag nelle azioni di Web Marketing”, Esperienze d’Impresa, Vol. (2000) No. 2, pp. 45-54, ISSN: 1971-5293.