Telefono: -
Medico Veterinario, Specialista, Master II livello "Sanità Pubblica veterinaria ed igiene degli alimenti", Giornalista
Giornalista, Vice Presidente Associazione Stampa Medica Italiana, Roma
Resident Member "Medical Journalists' Association", Londra
Resident Member MJA
"Medical Journalists' Association", London
Collaboratore esterno
Ministero della Salute (sede Centrale: Via Ribotta 5, Roma)
Vice Presidente
Stampa Medica Italiana, Roma
Collaboratore esterno
Ministero della Salute (sede Centrale: Via Ribotta 5, Roma)
Office II DGOCTS: Direzione Generale Organi Collegiali Tutela della Salute
Ministero della Salute (sede Centrale: Via Ribotta 5, Roma)
Segretario generale
Stampa Medica Italiana, Roma
Socio Corrispondente
Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria Rome
Member of Expert Database
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
Giornalista inviato per eventi internazionali
La Settimana Veterinaria - Le Point Veterinaire Italie Srl,, Milan
"Studio Gamma snc Dott.Cecaro Massimo & C.", Corridonia (MC)
Ente di Formazione Accreditato dalla Regione Marche, convenzionato con Università di Camerino, Università di Perugia, SIMLII (Società Italiana Medicina Lavoro ed Igiene Industriale) e Provincia di Macerata
Tirocinio pratico di Neurologia e Neurochirurgia - Ospedale Veterinario San Michele, Lodi (MI)
Giornalista e conduttore di "Cardioevidence" corso per medici di medicina generale
Link Italia s.r.l., Cognento (MO)
TV presenter
TV presenter
Radio presenter, journalistic editorial board
Radio Blu, Fabriano (AN)
Radio presenter, journalistic editorial board
Radio Nuova Macerata
“BfR-Summer Academy on Risk Assessment and Risk Communication in Food Safety” (BfR: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung: Istituto federale di ricerca per la valutazione del rischio, Berlino, Germania) in rappresentanza del Ministero della Salute
Conoscenza livello inglese: C1 esame sostenuto il 29.01.2016, BULATS (Business Language Testing Service)
University of Cambridge, Universidad de Salamanca, Goethe-Institut, Alliance Française Language English - CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)
Iscritto all'Ordine dei Medici Veterinari di Macerata
Iscritto all'Ordine dei Giornalisti
Master II level "Veterinary public health and food hygiene” - Università di Perugia
Scuola di Specializzazione, Università di Teramo
Abilitazione alla professione di Medico Veterinario, Università di Camerino
Laurea Specialistica in Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Camerino
Liceo Classico "G.Leopardi", Macerata
In qualità di keynote Speaker:
▪"16thInternational Conference on Nutrition and Health" November 22-23, 2018, Paris, France
▪"7thEuropean Food Safety & Standards Conference"November13-14,2017 Athens, Greece
▪"5thInternational Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics" December 01-02,2016 - Valencia (Spain)
▪"3rd European Food Safety and Standards Conference" October24-25,2016-Valencia(Spain)
▪"3rdInternational Conference on Epidemiology & Public Health" August04-06,2015- Valencia (Spain)
▪"3rdInternational Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases" August 04-06,2015 Valencia (Spain)
▪"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety" 24-25 June, 2014 Valencia, (Spain)
in qualità di Speaker:
▪"5thEuro-Global Summit and EXPO on Food & Beverages"July16-18, 2015 at Alicante (Spain)
▪"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy"23-25 September 2014, Valencia, (Spain)
▪"3rd ICMFCO International Congress Mediterranean Forum of Comparative Oncology" Rector of the University of Cordoba (Spain) 10-12 Aprile 2013
▪"The Second International Congress of Comparative Oncology" Neptun,Romania,7-9 September 2011
As Keynote Speaker:
▪"International Conference on FoodChemistry & Technology" November16-18, 2015 San Francisco (USA)
▪"2ndInternational Congress on "Bacteriology & Infectious Diseases" Chicago (USA) November 17-19, 2014
As Speaker:
▪"2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" 15-17 july 2013, Philadelphia (USA)
▪ "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology" Las Vegas (USA), July 21-23, 2014
▪"2011 EPS Montreal International Forum: Emerging Trends in Higher Education" Montreal, Quebec, Canada 19-20 November 2011
▪"Tianjin International Healthcare Management Conference" Tianjin,Cina, 29-30 October 2011▪
▪ Convegno: "Comunicazione nell' Arte Medica" Fermo (FM) Teatro dell'Aquila, Con il patrocinio della federazione nazionale ordine medici e odontoiatri e Ordine Giornalisti delle Marche 08.04.17
▪ Pre Conference Symposium of"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety 2014", on "Zoonoses & One Health" 4 June 2014, University of Camerino, High School Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
▪Pre Conference Symposium, of"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition Science & Therapy", on "New Scenario in Public Health Nutrition" 7 May 2014, University of Camerino, High School Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
▪ "Management of Risk Communication in Food Safety" IZSUM Headquarters (Umbria and Marche Institute of Zooprofilattico) Perugia, June 6, 2012
▪ "The Comparative Networking Network: Experimental Results and Epidemiology" Genoa 12 December 2011
▪ National CongressAIVPA "Innovation in MedicalMedicine, 50 years of iAIVPA ": What has changed in the veterinary clinic?" - Bentivoglio (BO) 8-9 October 2011
▪ 73rd National Congress SIMLII (Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene) Rome 1-4 December 2010
▪ "Risk Assessment: Virtuous Integrated Prevention Tool" Pollenza (MC), Parco Hotel November 22, 2010
▪ "West Nile: A New Health Emergency" University of Camerino, Aula Magna, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, November 11, 2010
▪ "The Human Physician and Veterinarian: a synergy in the control of food zoonoses" University of Bologna, Aula Magna Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, March 19, 2010
▪ "Quantum Therapy in Veterinary Medicine", University of Camerino, High School Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, March 18, 2010
▪ "Influenza A - H1N1: Its Origins, Its Future", University of Camerino, Aula Magna Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, December 18, 2009
▪ "The Human Doctor and Veterinarian: a synergy in the control of food zoonoses" University of Camerino, Aula Magna Faculty of Veterinary Medicine March 27, 2009
▪ "Emerging Viruses: present and future" organized by I.M.S. International Medicine Society Regional Council of Lazio "Sala Mechelli" May 22, 2015
▪ "Prospects for the Environmentally Sustainable Urban Mosquito Control" 24 March 2015, Senatorio Palace, Protomoteca Hall, Piazza del Campidoglio, 1 - Rome
▪ "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" Palace of Congresses, Valencia, Spain September 23-25, 2014
▪ "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety" Palace of Congresses, Valencia, Spain 24-25 June 2014
▪ "New Approaches to Approving Gastroenterology" (53rd Annual Conference) Rome 15-16 March 2014 SGM Congress Center
▪ "2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" 15-17 July 2013 Philadelphia, Courtyard by Marriott USA
▪ AIVPA Multisala Congress "Dermatological Therapy" Bentivoglio (BO) 2-3 February 2013
▪ National Congress AIVPA Veterinary Ophthalmology "New trends in ophthalmology of the dog and the Cat" Bentivoglio (BO) 13-14 October 2012
▪ "Tianjin International Healthcare Management Conference" Tianjin, China, October 29-30, 2011
International Congress "Health Journalism 2012" Atlanta (USA) organized by the AHCJ "Association Health Care Jouralists"
▪ Public recognition of a commitment to "One Medicine approach" (Newsletter Vol.4 No 3, Spring 2015) from AAPHV (American Association of Public Health Veterinarians)
▪ Special Recognition at "International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology", San Francisco, USA November 16-18, 2015
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases" August 04-06, 2015, Valencia, Spain
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Congress on Epidemiology & Public Health" August 04-06, 2015, Valencia, Spain
▪ Recognition at the "5th Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages" June 16-18, 2015, Alicante, Spain
▪ Special Recognition awarded to Chicago University Hospital (USA) by Prof. Gregory A. Buck (Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine) at the "2nd International Congress on Bacteriology & Infectious Diseases", held on November 17-19, 2014 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Chicago -North Shore, USA
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Conference Food Processing & Technology" - Las Vegas USA, July 21-23, 2014
▪ Special Recognition for Support as Chief Editor of "Journal of Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs"
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health and Safety" Valencia Conference Center - Valencia, Spain - June 24-25, 2014
▪ Special Recognition at "2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" Philadelphia (USA) July 15-17,2013
▪ Guest Speaker at "Tianjin International Healthcare Management Conference" Tianjin, China October 29 to 30.2011
▪ Founding Editor in Chief "Journal of Occupational Health & Research" (2015 - 18)
▪ Editor in Chief - Journal "Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs" (06/2014- 06/2016)
▪ Editor in Chief - "Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism (08/2013- 06/2016)
▪ Editorial Board Member: "Jacobs Journal of Internal Medicine" (2015 - 18)
▪ Editorial Board Member: "Journal of Scientific Research and Reports" (2015 - 18)
▪ Editorial Board Member "Journal of Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs" (11/2013-06/2014)
▪ Editorial Board Member - "Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology" (05/2014 - 18)
▪ Editorial Board Member - "Journal of Food Processing & Technology" (05/2014 - 18)
▪ Editor and Editorial Board JMCJ "Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism" (2011-06/2012)
Specialist Veterinarian, Master II level "Veterinary Public Health and Food Hygiene", Journalist
Resident Member "Medical Journalists' Association", London
Resident Member MJA
"Medical Journalists' Association", London
External Collaborator
ITALIAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH,(Headquarters: via Ribotta 5, Rome)
Vice President
Italian Medical Press Association, Rome
External Collaborator
Office II Directorate General of Collegial Bodies for Health Protection
Office VIII "Directorate General for Hygiene and Food Safety and Nutrition"
Office II "Directorate General of Collegial Bodies for Health Protection" (Analysis of Efsa communication activities and programming of national communication activity)
General Secretary
Italian Medical Press Association, Rome
Corresponding partner
Academy of History of Healthcare, Rome
Member of Expert Database
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
Journalist for national and international scientific events
La Settimana Veterinaria - Le Point Veterinaire Italie Srl,, Milan
"Studio Gamma snc Dott.Cecaro Massimo & C.", Corridonia (MC)
Accredited by the Marche Region, with the agreement of University of Camerino and University of Perugia, SIMLII (Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene) and the Province of Macerata
Practical training in Neurology and Neurosurgery, San Michele Veterinary Hospital - Lodi (MI)
Journalist and Conductor "Cardioevidence" courses for general practitioners
Link Italia s.r.l., Cognento (MO)
TV presenter
TV program, aired at the premiere, "The people of the night" (entertainment)
TV presenter
Author and Host TV Schedule, aired in the early evening, "From Disco to Disco" (Entertainment)
Radio presenter, journalistic editorial board
Radio Blu, Fabriano (AN)
journalistic editorial board, author of interviews with national and international public show characters and scientists
Radio presenter, journalistic editorial board
Radio Nuova Macerata
Author and conductor of radio programs (classical, light, pop, rock, etc.), author of interviews with national and international (public and public) performers and scientists
“BfR-Summer Academy on Risk Assessment and Risk Communication in Food Safety” (BfR: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung: German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Health
BULATS (Business Language Testing Service)
University of Cambridge, Universidad de Salamanca, Goethe-Institut, Alliance Française Language English - CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) Level: C1 (Test date: 29.01.2016)
Registration Macerata Veterinarians Order
Registration Journalist Order
Master II level "Veterinary public health and food hygiene” - University of Perugia
School of Specialization in Animal Health, University of Teramo
Enabling the Veterinarian profession, Univeristy of Camerino
Master Degree in Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino
Baccalaureate (classical studies), Liceo Classico "G.Leopardi", Macerata
As keynote Speaker:
▪"16thInternational Conference on Nutrition and Health" November 22-23, 2018, Paris, France
▪"7thEuropean Food Safety & Standards Conference"November13-14,2017 Athens, Greece
▪"5thInternational Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics" December 01-02,2016 - Valencia (Spain)
▪"3rd European Food Safety and Standards Conference" October24-25,2016-Valencia(Spain)
▪"3rdInternational Conference on Epidemiology & Public Health" August04-06,2015- Valencia (Spain)
▪"3rdInternational Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases" August 04-06,2015 Valencia (Spain)
▪"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety" 24-25 June, 2014 Valencia, (Spain)
as Speaker:
▪"5thEuro-Global Summit and EXPO on Food & Beverages"July16-18, 2015 at Alicante (Spain)
▪"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy"23-25 September 2014, Valencia, (Spain)
▪"3rd ICMFCO International Congress Mediterranean Forum of Comparative Oncology" Rector of the University of Cordoba (Spain) 10-12 Aprile 2013
▪"The Second International Congress of Comparative Oncology" Neptun,Romania,7-9 September 2011
As Keynote Speaker:
▪"International Conference on FoodChemistry & Technology" November16-18, 2015 San Francisco (USA)
▪"2ndInternational Congress on "Bacteriology & Infectious Diseases" Chicago (USA) November 17-19, 2014
As Speaker:
▪"2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" 15-17 july 2013, Philadelphia (USA)
▪ "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology" Las Vegas (USA), July 21-23, 2014
▪"2011 EPS MontrealInternationalForum:EmergingTrendsinHigherEducation"Montreal, Quebec, Canada 19-20 November 2011
▪"Tianjin International Healthcare Management Conference" Tianjin,Cina, 29-30 October 2011▪
▪ Conference: "Communication in the Medical Art" Fermo (FM) Teatro dell'Aquila, under the patronage of the national federation of doctors and dentists and Order of Journalists Marche, 08.04.17
▪ Pre Conference Symposium of"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety 2014", on "Zoonoses & One Health" 4 June 2014, University of Camerino, High School Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
▪Pre Conference Symposium, of"3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition Science & Therapy", on "New Scenario in Public Health Nutrition" 7 May 2014, University of Camerino, High School Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
▪ "Management of Risk Communication in Food Safety" IZSUM Headquarters (Umbria and Marche Institute of Zooprofilattico) Perugia, June 6, 2012
▪ "The Comparative Networking Network: Experimental Results and Epidemiology" Genoa 12 December 2011
▪ National CongressAIVPA "Innovation in MedicalMedicine, 50 years of iAIVPA ": What has changed in the veterinary clinic?" - Bentivoglio (BO) 8-9 October 2011
▪ 73rd National Congress SIMLII (Italian Society of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene) Rome 1-4 December 2010
▪ "Risk Assessment: Virtuous Integrated Prevention Tool" Pollenza (MC), Parco Hotel November 22, 2010
▪ "West Nile: A New Health Emergency" University of Camerino, Aula Magna, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, November 11, 2010
▪ "The Human Physician and Veterinarian: a synergy in the control of food zoonoses" University of Bologna, Aula Magna Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, March 19, 2010
▪ "Quantum Therapy in Veterinary Medicine", University of Camerino, High School Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, March 18, 2010
▪ "Influenza A - H1N1: Its Origins, Its Future", University of Camerino, Aula Magna Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, December 18, 2009
▪ "The Human Doctor and Veterinarian: a synergy in the control of food zoonoses" University of Camerino, Aula Magna Faculty of Veterinary Medicine March 27, 2009
▪ "Emerging Viruses: present and future" organized by I.M.S. International Medicine Society Regional Council of Lazio "Sala Mechelli" May 22, 2015
▪ "Prospects for the Environmentally Sustainable Urban Mosquito Control" 24 March 2015, Senatorio Palace, Protomoteca Hall, Piazza del Campidoglio, 1 - Rome
▪ "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" Palace of Congresses, Valencia, Spain September 23-25, 2014
▪ "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety" Palace of Congresses, Valencia, Spain 24-25 June 2014
▪ "New Approaches to Approving Gastroenterology" (53rd Annual Conference) Rome 15-16 March 2014 SGM Congress Center
▪ "2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" 15-17 July 2013 Philadelphia, Courtyard by Marriott USA
▪ AIVPA Multisala Congress "Dermatological Therapy" Bentivoglio (BO) 2-3 February 2013
▪ National Congress AIVPA Veterinary Ophthalmology "New trends in ophthalmology of the dog and the Cat" Bentivoglio (BO) 13-14 October 2012
▪ "Tianjin International Healthcare Management Conference" Tianjin, China, October 29-30, 2011
International Congress "Health Journalism 2012" Atlanta (USA) organized by the AHCJ "Association Health Care Jouralists"
▪ Public recognition of a commitment to "One Medicine approach" (Newsletter Vol.4 No 3, Spring 2015) from AAPHV (American Association of Public Health Veterinarians)
▪ Special Recognition at "International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology", San Francisco, USA November 16-18, 2015
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases" August 04-06, 2015, Valencia, Spain
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Congress on Epidemiology & Public Health" August 04-06, 2015, Valencia, Spain
▪ Recognition at the "5th Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages" June 16-18, 2015, Alicante, Spain
▪ Special Recognition awarded to Chicago University Hospital (USA) by Prof. Gregory A. Buck (Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine) at the "2nd International Congress on Bacteriology & Infectious Diseases", held on November 17-19, 2014 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Chicago -North Shore, USA
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Conference Food Processing & Technology" - Las Vegas USA, July 21-23, 2014
▪ Special Recognition for Support as Chief Editor of "Journal of Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs"
▪ Special Recognition at "3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health and Safety" Valencia Conference Center - Valencia, Spain - June 24-25, 2014
▪ Special Recognition at "2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy" Philadelphia (USA) July 15-17,2013
▪ Guest Speaker at "Tianjin International Healthcare Management Conference" Tianjin, China October 29 to 30.2011
▪ Founding Editor in Chief "Journal of Occupational Health & Research" (2015 - 18)
▪ Editor in Chief - Journal "Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs" (06/2014- 06/2016)
▪ Editor in Chief - "Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism (08/2013- 06/2016)
▪ Editorial Board Member: "Jacobs Journal of Internal Medicine" (2015 - 18)
▪ Editorial Board Member: "Journal of Scientific Research and Reports" (2015 - 18)
▪ Editorial Board Member "Journal of Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs" (11/2013-06/2014)
▪ Editorial Board Member - "Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology" (05/2014 - 18)
▪ Editorial Board Member - "Journal of Food Processing & Technology" (05/2014 - 18)
▪ Editor and Editorial Board JMCJ "Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism" (2011-06/2012)
> Specialist Book edited by "Journalistic Documentation Centre", Feb 2020, Author of chatper "La comunicazione interna - Teoria e tecniche Come creare valore nelle organizzazioni: strategie, strumenti e modelli gestionali" Mauro De Vincentiis, CDG: Centro Docuementazione Giornalistica
> Academic Book "Food Inspection and Control" Year 2018 Month 06 Publisher: "Point Vètèrinaire Italie", Author of Chapter 2.4 "The effectiveness and value of risk communication".
▪ "MASSIcare2.0, application of the augmented reality in nutrition and health" (Cecaro) Journal of Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism, Vol 2, 2018
▪ "Evolution of the MassiCare and prevention in the area of food safety 2.0 using augmented reality" (Cecaro) J. Food Micorbiol Saf Hyg,an open access journal Vol 2, Issue 4 (Suppl) pag 18, 2017
▪ "Foodsafety: Improving public understanding and preventing foodborne illness"(Cecaro)J Food Process Technol 2016, Vol 7, Issue 12
▪ "Preventive and personalized medicine improving public understanding" (Cecaro) J Pharmacogenomics Pharmacoproteomics Vol 7, Issue 4(Suppl)
▪ "Effective health communication: MASSI-Care and One Health, a new opportunity to prevent illness" (Cecaro) J Bacteriol Parasitol 2015, 6:4
▪ "MASSI-Care: Innovative method to communicate emerging diseases in an easy way" (Cecaro) Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 2015 , 5:3
▪ "The Future is in Your Hands" (Cecaro, Ramsamy Y) J Mass Communicat Journalism 2015, 5:7
▪ "Management and communication strategy for food safety: Integrated care model" (Cecaro) Journal of Food Processing & Technology 2015 Volume 6, Issue 5 pg 81
▪ "Intelligent labelling for food safety: New Generation" (Cecaro) Journal of Food Processing & Technology 2015 Volume 6, Issue 5
▪ "HIV /AIDS and the Oral Manifestations Associated with the Disease" (Cecaro and Karmisha Naidu) Occup Med Health Aff 2015, 3:2)
▪ "Operation Smile and How Media has Played a Role Creating Awareness and Promoting this Medical Organisation" (Cecaro and Naidu) J Mass Communicat Journalism 2015, 5:3
▪ "Health Warning. Preparedness, Surveillance and a New Understanding may be our Solution to Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms" (Cecaro, Ramsamy Y) Occup Med Health Aff 2015, 3:2
▪ "The Ebola Outbreak. Possible Implications that Media Reporting may Have." (Cecaro, Ramsamy Y) J Mass Communicat Journalism 2015, 5:2
▪ "Emerging infectious diseases: Anthropozoonoses and global change" Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology (J Bacteriol Parasitol 2014 Volume 5 Issue 4)
▪ "Food and Globalization: How trying to preserve food healthiness with an easy communication" Cecaro, Loschi (2014) J Food Process Technol 2014, Volume 5 Issue 5
▪ "Food safety and global health: A shared responsibility" Cecaro(2014) Keynote Presentation J Nutr Food Sci 2014 Volume 4, Issue 5
▪ "Improving food safety culture with a right communication" Cecaro (2014) J Nutr Food Sci Volume 4, Issue 5
▪ "European monitoring plans for the management of outbreak of emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases" Cecaro M (2014) Keynote Presentation Occup Med Health Aff 2014 Volume 2, Issue 3
▪ "Food Borne Illness and One Medicine Approach", Cecaro M (2013) J Mass Communicat Journalism S1:002.,
▪ "The Application of Risk Communication in Food Safety" Cecaro M (2013) J Mass Communicat Journalism 2013, S1-003,
▪ "One health approach to improve food safety" Cecaro M, Loschi AR 2013 Journal of Nutritional Science & Food Sciences, (July 2013 Volume 3 Issue 4 pag 76) (Reported to 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutritional Science & Therapy, July 15-17,2013 Philadelphia (USA) with Special Recognition)
▪ "European Monitoring Plans for the Management of Outbreak of JEV (Japanese Encephalitis Virus)" Cecaro M, Rossi G (2013) Occup Med Health Aff 1:e105.,
▪ "European Monitoring Plans for the management of a Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) outbreak" Cecaro M, Isolani L, Cuteri V (2013) Occup Med Health Aff 1: 123,
▪ "Healthy People in Healthy Workplace: Philosophy and Practice of Workplace Health Promotion (WHP)" Isolani L, Cecaro M (2013) J Mass Communicat Journalism, 3:e136,
▪ "The Value of a Successful Communication in the Workplace Prevention" Cecaro M, Isolani L. (2013) J Mass Communicat Journalism S1-e001,
▪ "The Leading Role of the Occupational Health Physician in Workplace Prevention and the Importance of Knowledge and Communication Abilities" Isolani L., Cecaro M (2013) J Mass Communicat Journalism S1-00,
▪ "Chemical Hazard in Work Place and Mass Media" Cecaro M (2013) J Mass Communicat Journalism, S1-004
▪ "Importance of MRSA and the Role of the Media" Cecaro M (2013) J Mass Communicat Journalism 3:166
▪ "Communication and Miscommunication of Public-Health Risks: Towards Good Practice for Medical Journalism" Cecaro M (2012) J Mass Commun Journalism 2: e121
▪ "Risk communication analysis in medical sciences" Cecaro M (2011) Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology, 2011 pag 1291-1293,
▪ "Occupational medicine and communication: which role for print media?" Cecaro M, Isolani L., Bernardini M, Passamonti C (2010) G.Ital.Med. Lav. Erg 2010;32:4, Suppl pag.228-23
▪ "Correlation between respiratory diseases in dogs and cats and environmental tobacco smoke – epidemiological and retrospective study" Cerquetella M, Laus F, Casturani S, Paggi E, Cecaro M, Zagà V, (2010) Tabaccologia 2010; 2: 31-35
▪ "Communication-based strategies to improve workers' health and safety: the role of the Responsible for Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP) and the Occupational Health Physician (OHP)" Cecaro M, Isolani L., Passamonti C (2010) G.Ital.Med. Lav. Erg 2010;32:4, Suppl pag.231-234
▪ "Exposure of domestic animals to tobacco smoke: the importance of the animal model" Cerquetella M, Cecaro M, Fruganti A, Zagà V (2009) Tabaccologia, 2009; 2-3: 32-35