Romina Eramo è Ricercatrice (RTDB) di Informatica presso l'Università degli Studi di Teramo (Italia), Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione. In precedenza, ha conseguito un dottorato di ricerca in Informatica ed è stata Ricercatrice presso l'Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (Italia).
I suoi interessi di ricerca, principalmente in ingegneria del software, includono Model-Driven Engineering (inclusa la trasformazione di modelli bidirezionali), Qualità del software, Continuous software engineering, DevOps, Digital Twins e applicazioni di Intelligenza artificiale/machine learning nello sviluppo di sistemi complessi.
È coinvolta in diversi comitati di programma di conferenze internazionali, attività di revisione e organizzazione di conferenze; ad esempio, "ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems" (MODELS), "Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations Federation of Conferences" (STAF), "ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering" (SLE), "International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations" (BX). È anche presidente del comitato direttivo della comunità BX (Bidirectional Transformations).
Ha pubblicato diversi articoli su riviste e atti di eventi internazionali sui suoi argomenti. Alcune pubblicazioni selezionate:
- “An architecture for model-based and intelligent automation in DevOps”, Romina Eramo, Bilal Said, Marc Oriol, Hugo Bruneliere, Sergio Morales, J. Syst. Softw. 217: 112180, 2024
- “Architectural support for software performance in continuous software engineering: A systematic mapping study”, Eramo, R., Tucci, M., Di Pompeo, D., Cortellessa V., Di Marco, A., Taibi, D., Journal of Systems and Software, 2023, 207, 111833
- “Studying users’ perception of IoT mobile companion apps”, Scoccia, G.L., Eramo, R., Autili, M., Pervasive and Mobile ComputingThis link is disabled., 2023, 92, 101786
- “A model-driven approach for continuous performance engineering in microservice-based systems”, Vittorio Cortellessa, Daniele Di Pompeo, Romina Eramo, Michele Tucci, Journal of Systems and Software, 2022, 183, 111084
- “Conceptualizing Digital Twins”, Romina Eramo, Francis Bordeleau, Benoit Combemale, Mark van den Brand, Manuel Wimmer, Andreas Wortmann, IEEE Software, 2022
-“From software architecture to analysis models and back: Model-driven refactoring aimed at availability improvement”, Vittorio Cortellessa, Romina Eramo, Michele Tucci: Inf. Softw. Technol. 127: 106362 (2020)
- “Benchmarking bidirectional transformations: theory, implementation, application, and assessment”, Anthony Anjorin, Thomas Buchmann, Bernhard Westfechtel, Zinovy Diskin, Hsiang-Shang Ko, Romina Eramo, Georg Hinkel, Leila Samimi-Dehkordi, Albert Zündorf. Softw. Syst. Model. 19(3): 647-691 (2020)
Ha lavorato e guidato diversi progetti di ricerca europei e italiani. Attualmente è coordinatrice scientifica dei seguenti progetti di ricerca europei:
- HORIZON ECSEL-JU AIDOART (AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems) 2021-2024,
- HORIZON KDT MATISSE (Model-based engineering of digital twins for early verification and validation of industrial systems) 2024-2027
Romina Eramo is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Teramo (Italy), Department of Communication Science. Previously, she held a PhD degree in Computer Science and was an Assistant Professor at the University of L’Aquila (Italy).
Her research interests, mainly in Software Engineering, include Model-Driven Engineering (including Bidirectional model transformation), Software Quality, Continuous Software Engineering, DevOps, Digital Twins, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning applications in the development of complex systems.
She is involved in several program committees of international conferences, reviewing activities and conference organization; e.g., “ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems” (MODELS), “Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations Federation of Conferences” (STAF), “ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering” (SLE), “International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations” (BX). She is also Chair of the Steering Committee of the BX (Bidirectional Transformations) community.
She published several articles in journals and proceedings of international events on her topics. Some selected publications:
- “An architecture for model-based and intelligent automation in DevOps”, Romina Eramo, Bilal Said, Marc Oriol, Hugo Bruneliere, Sergio Morales, J. Syst. Softw. 217: 112180, 2024
- “Architectural support for software performance in continuous software engineering: A systematic mapping study” , Eramo, R., Tucci, M., Di Pompeo, D., Cortellessa V., Di Marco, A., Taibi, D., Journal of Systems and Software, 2023, 207, 111833
- “Studying users’ perception of IoT mobile companion apps”, Scoccia, G.L., Eramo, R., Autili, M., Pervasive and Mobile ComputingThis link is disabled., 2023, 92, 101786
- “A model-driven approach for continuous performance engineering in microservice-based systems”, Vittorio Cortellessa, Daniele Di Pompeo, Romina Eramo, Michele Tucci, Journal of Systems and Software, 2022, 183, 111084
- “Conceptualizing Digital Twins” , Romina Eramo, Francis Bordeleau, Benoit Combemale, Mark van den Brand, Manuel Wimmer, Andreas Wortmann, IEEE Software, 2022
-“From software architecture to analysis models and back: Model-driven refactoring aimed at availability improvement”, Vittorio Cortellessa, Romina Eramo, Michele Tucci: Inf. Softw. Technol. 127: 106362 (2020)
- “Benchmarking bidirectional transformations: theory, implementation, application, and assessment”, Anthony Anjorin, Thomas Buchmann, Bernhard Westfechtel, Zinovy Diskin, Hsiang-Shang Ko, Romina Eramo, Georg Hinkel, Leila Samimi-Dehkordi, Albert Zündorf. Softw. Syst. Model. 19(3): 647-691 (2020)
She has been working on and leading different European and Italian research projects. She is currently the scientific coordinator for the following European research projects:
- HORIZON ECSEL-JU AIDOART (AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems) 2021-2024,
- HORIZON KDT MATISSE (Model-based engineering of digital twins for early verification and validation of industrial systems) 2024-2027