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Dipartimento di appartenenza: SCIENZE DELLA COMUNICAZIONE
Raffaele Mascella è Professore Associato di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazionee Delegato del Rettore alla Didattica e alle ICT. Nel 2005 ha conseguito il dottorato in Epistemologia e Didattica della Matematica e dal 2005 è docente presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione. È stato Coordinatore di Master e Corsi di Formazione, membro del Collegio del Dottorato in Epistemologia dell'Informatica e Mutamenti Sociali (Università degli Studi di Teramo). Si occupa di filosofia della matematica, dell'informazione e della computazione, di teoria delle decisioni, di logica fuzzy e intelligenza artificiale.
Raffaele Mascella is Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and Rector Delegate for Teaching and Learning and ICTs. He teaches Logic and Argumentation Theory and Logic and Decision Making. In 2005 he received his doctorate in Epistemology and Mathematics Education and since 2005 he has been teaching in the FAculty of Communication Sciences. He Coordinated various Master programmes, has been a member of the Board of the Doctorate in Epistemology of Informatics and Social Changes (University of Teramo). His research interest are within philosophy of mathematics, information and computation, decision theory, fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence.
Alcune pubblicazioni di R. Mascella:
- Pelusi, D.; Mascella, R.; Tallini, L. (2017), Revised Gravitational Search Algorithms Based on Evolutionary-Fuzzy Systems, Algorithms, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 44.
- D. Pelusi, R. Mascella, L. G. Tallini, L. Vazquez, D. Diaz (2016), Control of Drum Boiler Dynamics via an Optimized Fuzzy Controller, International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, Volume 17, Number 33, pp. 22.1-22.7.
- L. G. Tallini, D. Pelusi, R. Mascella, L. Pezza, S, Elmougy, B. Bose (2016), Efficient Non-Recursive Design of Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 3084-3102.
- Mascella R. (2016), “Weak Emergentism and Social Systems”, in Hošková-Mayerová Š., Kacprzyk J., Soitu D., Maturo A. (eds.), Recent Trends in Social Systems: Qualitative and Quantitative Models, Springer-Verlag.
- R. Mascella, D. Pelusi, L. Pezza, S. Elmougy, L. G. Tallini, B. Bose (2013), "On Efficient Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes using Sets of m1-Balancing Functions", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 141-145, July 7-12.
- D. Pelusi, L. Vazquez, D. Diaz, R. Mascella (2013), "Fuzzy Algorithm Control Effectiveness on Drum Boiler Simulated Dynamics", International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), ISBN 978-1-4799-0403-7, ISSN 1805-5435, pp. 272-276.
- D. Pelusi, R. Mascella (2013), "Optimal control algorithms for second order systems", Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 183-197.
- Mascella R., Eugeni F., Sciarra E. (2010), "Mathematical structures and sense of beauty", su Capecchi, V.; Buscema, M.; Contucci, P.; D'Amore, B. (Eds.), Applications of Mathematics in Models, Artificial Neural Networks and Arts, Springer, XV, pp. 519-536.
- Mascella R., Lattanzio P. (2010), "On scientific mentality in cultural memory", in A. Aljas, R. Kelomees (et al.), Transforming culture in the digital age, Proceedings of International conference in Tartu 14-16 April 2010, Ed. Estonian National Museum, Estonian Literary Museum and Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council, University of Tartu.
- Mascella R., Lattanzio P. (2010), "Fluid memory on the web 2.0", in A. Mousoutzanis, D. Riha (eds.), New media and the politics of online communities, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, UK.
- R. Mascella (2009), a cura di, Viaggio intorno all'evoluzione, Zikkurat, Roma.
- R. Mascella, P. Lattanzio (2008), Teoria e strutture dell'informazione, Aracne, Roma.
- R. Mascella e L.G. Tallini (2006), "Efficient m-ary balanced codes which are invariant under symbol permutation", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 55, n. 8, pp. 929-946, Agosto 2006.
- R. Mascella, L.G. Tallini, S. Al Bassam e B. Bose (2006), "On efficient balanced codes over the m-th roots of unity", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 52, n. 5, pp. 2214-2217.
- R. Mascella e L.G. Tallini (2005), "On Efficient High-order spectral-null codes over the m-ary alphabet", Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 459-481.
- R. Mascella e L.G. Tallini (2005), "Combinatorial properties of balanced codes over the complex m-th roots of unity and efficient coding algorithms", Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, vol. 8 (2005), No. 3, pp. 447-458.