The Master Degree in Food Science and Technology is achieved by passing a final exam, consisting in the presentation and discussion of an experimental master degree thesis, drawn up by the student under the guidance of a tutor, in front of a Degree Committee.
To be admitted to the final exam, the student must have passed the exams of the 1st and 2nd year study program (84 CFU/ECTS), and acquired at least n. 8 CFU/ECTS for “free choice” modules and n. 4 CFU/ECTS for a curricular internship aimed to the acquisition of professional skills that complement the Learning outcomes of the graduate in Food Science and Technology and/or for the profession of Food Technologist including the communication and linguistic competences.
The Master degree thesis is the result of an original experimental project carried out in the laboratories of the Departments of the University or in other public or private research laboratories (either in research institutes or R&D of companies with which specific agreements have been signed), of a duration of at least 6 months. The experimental project requires the supervision of a professor/teacher of the Master Degree Course or, after approval, of the Department of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment.
The Master degree thesis consists of a written paper that describes, with a scientific approach, the developed experimental study (including the general aspects, the experimental plan, the methodologies used for its development, and the results), and that presents a data discussion, and the main conclusions.
Students of the University of Teramo who apply for the Double degree in collaboration with the University of Chulalongkorn should draw up the experimental master degree thesis during their 2nd year of study spent abroad under the guidance of a tutor teacher of the University of Chulalongkorn.
Once returned back to Italy the students should discuss the thesis in front of a Degree Committee formed by teachers of the Department of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture, and Environment of the University of Teramo and teachers of the Chulalongkorn University who will connect remotely to the Degree committee and participate on-line.
La laurea Magistrale in Food Science and Technology si consegue con il superamento di una prova finale, consistente nella presentazione e discussione della tesi di laurea di carattere sperimentale, redatta dallo studente sotto la guida di un Docente Relatore, di fronte ad una Commissione di Laurea.
La tesi di laurea consiste in un elaborato scritto che descrive con approccio scientifico il progetto sperimentale sviluppato comprendendone gli aspetti generali, le metodologie impiegate per lo sviluppo, i risultati e la loro discussione e le principali conclusioni.
Per essere ammesso alla prova finale, lo studente deve: aver superato gli esami di profitto relativi agli insegnamenti caratterizzanti e affini o integrativi, ed acquisito almeno n. 8 CFU relativi alle attività formative a libera scelta e n. 4 CFU relative ad attività connesse all'acquisizione di competenze extra-curricolari inerenti il laureato in STA e la professione del Tecnologo alimentare ed includenti gli aspetti di comunicazione e linguistici.
La tesi di laurea dovrà essere il risultato di uno studio sperimentale originale svolto per almeno 6 mesi presso i laboratori dell'Università oppure presso centri o laboratori di ricerca pubblici o privati o aziende convenzionati attraverso specifici accordi. Il lavoro sperimentale prevede la supervisione da parte di un docente del Corso di Laurea o, dopo approvazione, della Facoltà di Bioscienze.