Internships and elective credits

Internship credits related to training activities can be acquired by students through the attendance of at least 60 hours of laboratory practice carried out in a (public or private) research facility which the University has agreed upon.

Training is compulsory and has to be completed before the final examination, under the supervision of a reference Professor. Training activities provided in the study plan award a total of 5 credits.

A list of some external qualified and agreed upon Research Centres is listed below:


- University of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Oral Science and Biotechnology - University of L'Aquila, Operating Unit of Medical Andrology - University "La Sapienza" of Rome, Faculty of Medicine. - University of Naples II Department of Gynecological Science and of Reproduction. - University of Naples II Department of Endocrinology
Private Centres
- S.I.S.Me.R. S.r.l. (Bologna) - Tecnobios (Bologna) - Centro Andros (Palermo) - Centro di Biologia della Riproduzione (Palermo) - Centro G.E.N.E.R.A. (Rome) - Centro HERA- Unità di Medicina della Riproduzione (Sant'Agata Li Battiati- Catania) -Centro di Medicina e Biologia della Riproduzione CARAN (Caserta) -Centro di Medico Biologico TECNOMED - Nardò (Lecce)


In the link it is possible to refer to all private and public centres which the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has agreed upon for the execution of training activities.



Elective credits

Students must acquire 8 elective credits, over the two years of this Degree Course. Students can acquire these credits attending:

  • specific courses of other Degree Courses carried out in the University of Teramo or in other Universities, also abroad;

  • educational events held by the University of Teramo and of Chieti/Pescara or by other Universities;

  • seminars, congresses or meetings organized by qualified Public/Private Centres or by Scientific Societies.

1 Credit/day will be attributed to the students holding a written certificate of attendance, after positive approval by the Board of the Degree Course. In the case of educational events, organized by the Scientific societies listed below, the acquisition of 1 credit/day will be automatic, without the approval of the Board.

Scientific Society
Location and contacts
BIOGENESI Centro di Medicina della Riproduzione
Giovanni Coticchio Maria Beatrice Dal Canto
Centro di crioconservazione dei gameti
Director: Carlo Foresta
SIA Società Italiana di Andrologia
President: Giorgio Franco
SIdR Società Italiana della Riproduzione
President: Luigi Fedele
SIERR Società Italiana di Embriologia Riproduzione e Ricerca
President: Laura Rienzi Vice President: Riccardo Talevi
S.I.S.M.E.R. S.r.l. Società Italiana Studi di Medicina della Riproduzione
Via Mazzini, 12 - Bologna tel. 051 307307 - fax 051 302933
Scientific Director: Luca Gianaroli
Clinical and Scientific Supervisor: Andrea Borini
Ultimo aggiornamento: 15-06-2016