Sono stati banditi per il ciclo XXXVI i seguenti corsi di dottorato di ricerca:
Scadenza: giovedì 6 agosto 2020 ore 23:59 (ora italiana)
PhD course:
Closing of on-line applications: August 6, 2020 at 11:59 pm (Italian time)
To apply to the call it is needed:
- degree no later than 31/10/2020;
- I.D. card or passport copy signed;
- Curriculum Vitae dated and signed inclusive of Degree exams and marks;
- at least one Reference letter;
- Dissertation thesis abstract;
- Research Project.
The selection will take place with the evaluation of the titles and an interview (also electronic interview)
To apply, first follow "Guide to registration - segreteria on-line" and then follow the "Guide to registration to a PhD call".
PhD online application: Registrazione - domanda