Prof. VITALI Andrea
Prof. VITALI Andrea


Telefono: 0861-2661



Curriculum accademico

Curriculum english version

Born: May 19, 1974, Frosinone, Italy.

Ph.D 2006, Faculty of Agronomy, Catholic University, Piacenza, Italy. Environmental and nutritional animal physiopathology in livestock systems. Dissertation: Aflatoxin B1 toxicity in goats. Experimental in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo toxicity testing.

MSc 2002. Faculty of Agronomy, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. MS in Animal Science. Thesis: Metabolic, nutritionals and hormonal factors involved in the onset of puberty in Serrana goats. Final mark 110/110 cum laude.

Since march 2017is researcher in the scientific-disciplinary field AGR/19-Animal Husbandry at the Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Teramo. Teaching activity at University of Teramo in the master course Food Science and Technology  (Sustainable Livestock Production). Before this, he worked from to 2007 until February 2017 at DAFNE (University of Tuscia) as assistant researcher in the research group of animal science and he was involved in several research projects. In the last 2 years he was task leader in the International project Knowledge Hub JPI FACCE. A detailed climate change risk assessment for European agriculture and food security.His research activities was mainly focused on the relationships between climate, animal welfare and products quality in dairy cows. In addition, he studied the environmental sustainability of livestock systems and assessed environmental impacts associated to livestock species.Since 2016 he is involved as expert for the livestock sector in developing the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC; Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea)

Following some of the research and professional activities where he was involved:

  • Assessment of the environmental effects of the agro-environmental payments, axis 2, measure 214, included in the Rural Develop Program adopted by the Italian Regions of Emilia Romagna and Lazio during the period 2007-2013. Carbon footprint of conventional and organic dairy and feedlot farms (cow and sheep).
  • Valorisation of the production of Grana Padano (DOP) through the control of the supply chain and the optimization of production processes.
  • Realization and development of forecasting warning system for the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) customized for dairy cow farms. Available at the website:
  • Evaluation of animal welfare during transport procedures in relation to climatic conditions.
  • Impact of heat weather condition on performances and wellness in dairy cattle.




Macciotta N.P.P., Biffani S., Bernabucci U., Lacetera N., Vitali A., Ajmone-Marsan P., Nardone A., 2017. Derivation and genome-wide association study of a principal component-based measure of heat tolerance in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 100, 6: 4683-4697


Lecchi C., Rota N., Vitali A., Ceciliani F., Lacetera N., 2016 In vitro assessment of the effects of temperature on phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species production and apoptosis in bovinepolymorphonuclear cells. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 182: 89-94


Biffani, S., Bernabucci U., Vitali A., Lacetera, N., and Nardone A. 2016. Short communication: Effect of heat stress on non-return rate of Italian Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci., 99:5837–5843.


Vitali, U. Bernabucci, A. Nardone and N. Lacetera, 2016. Effect of season, month and temperature humidity indexon the occurrence of clinical mastitis in dairy heifers.Advances in Animal Biosciences, 7:3, 250–252.


Özkan, Ş., Vitali, A., Lacetera, N., Amon, B., Bannink, A., Bartley, D.J., Blanco-Penedo, I., de Haas, Y., Dufrasne, I., Elliott, J., Eory, V., Fox, N.J., Garnsworthy, P.C., Gengler, N., Hammami, H., Kyriazakis, I., Leclère, D., Lessire, F., Macleod, M., Robinson, T.P., Ruete, A., Sandars, D.L., Shrestha, S., Stott, A.W., Twardy, S., Vanrobays, M.-L, Ahmadi, B.V., Weindl, I., Wheelhouse, N., Williams, A.G., Williams, H.W., Wilson, A.J., Østergaard, S., Kipling, R.P., 2016. Challenges and priorities for modelling livestock health and pathogens in the context of climate change. EnvironmentalResearch, 151:130-144.


Razzuoli E., Olzi E., Calà P., Cafazzo S., Magnani D., Vitali A., Lacetera N., Archetti L., Lazzara F., Ferrari A., Nanni Costa L., Amadori M. 2016. Innate immune responses of young bulls to a novel environment. VeterinaryImmunology and Immunopathology, 172:9-13.


Vitali A., Felici A., Esposito S., Bernabucci U., Bertocchi L., Maresca C., Nardone A., Lacetera N. 2015. The effect of heat waves on dairy cow mortality. J. Dairy Sci., 98, (7): 4572–4579.


Vitali A., Felici A., Esposito S., Bernabucci U., Bertocchi L., Maresca C., Nardone A., Lacetera N. 2015. Effects of heat waves on mortality of dairy cows. Advances in Animal Biosciences 6(01):15-16.


Bernabucci U., Basiricò L., Morera P., Dipasquale D., Vitali A., Cappelli F.P., Calamari L. 2015. Effect of summer season on milk protein fractions in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci., 98, (3): 1815–1827.


Dono G., Cortignani R., Doro L., Giraldo L.,  Lacetera N., Ledda L., Pasqui M., Quaresima S., Vitali A., Roggero P.P., Mazzapicchio G. 2014. Una valutazione integrata degli impatti produttivi ed economici del cambiamento della variabilità climatica in un’area mediterranea irrigua. Questione Agraria, Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, numero 4: 201-234.


Vitali A., Lana E., Amadori M., Bernabucci U., Nardone A., Lacetera N. 2014. Analysis of factors associated with mortality of heavy slaughter pigs during transport and lairage. J. Anim. Sci., 92(11):5134-41.


Bertocchi, A. Vitali, N. Lacetera, A. Nardone, G. Varisco, U. Bernabucci, 2014. Seasonal variations in the composition of Holstein cow's milk and temperature-humidity index relationship. Animal, 8:4, 667–674.


Bernabucci, S. Biffani, L Buggiotti, A. Vitali, N. Lacetera, A. Nardone, 2014. The effects of heat stress in Italian Holstein dairy cattle. J. of Dairy Sci., 97 (1), 471 – 486.


Segnalini, U. Bernabucci, A. Vitali, A. Nardone, N. Lacetera. 2013. Temperature humidity index scenarios in the Mediterranean basin. International J. of Biomet., 57 (3), 451 – 458.


Catalani E., Amadori A., Vitali A., Lacetera N. Short communication: Lymphoproliferative response to lipopolysaccharide and incidence of infections in periparturient dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 96 (11), 7077 – 7081.


Segnalini, M., Nardone, A., Bernabucci, U., Vitali, A., Ronchi, B., Lacetera, N. 2011. Dynamics of the temperature-humidity index in the Mediterranean basin. International J. of Biomet., 55, (2): 253-263.


Catalani E., Amadori M., Vitali A., Bernabucci U., Nardone A., Lacetera N. 2010. The Hsp72 response in peri-parturient dairy cows: Relationships with metabolic and immunological parameters. Cell Stress and Chaperones. 15 (6): 781-790.


Vitali, M. Segnalini, L. Bertocchi, U. Bernabucci, A. Nardone, and N. Lacetera., 2009. Seasonal pattern of mortality and relationships between mortality and temperature humidity index in dairy cows. J. of Dairy Sci., 92:3781-3790.


Vitali, D. Magistrelli, J. Azevedo, U. Bernabucci, B. Ronchi, F. Rosi. 2005. Leptin and puberty in goat.Ital. J. Anim. Sci. Vol 4 (suppl. 2), 181-183.


Books chapter

Roma R., Corrado S.,  De Boni A.,  Forleo M.B., Fantin V.,  Moretti M., Palmieri N., Vitali A., De Camillis C. 2015. Life Cycle Assessment in the Livestock and Derived Edible Products Sector. In: Notarnicola B., Salomone, R., Petti L., Renzulli P.A., Roma R., Cerutti AK. Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food Sector. Springer International Publishing, pp 251-332. ISBN 978-3-319-11940-3


Lacetera N., Segnalini M., Bernabucci U., Ronchi B., Vitali A., Tran A., Guis H., Caminade C., Calvete C., Morse A., Baylis M., Nardone A., Beniston M. 2013. Climate Induced Effects on Livestock Population and Productivity in the Mediterranean Area. In: Navarra A. and Tubiana L., eds Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Volume 2: Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services and People. ADVANCES IN GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH, 2 . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 135-156. ISBN SBN 978-94-007-5771-4


Nardone A., Lacetera N., Pirlo G., Ranieri M.R., Segnalini M., Vitali A., 2011. Libro bianco: Sfide ed opportunità dello sviluppo rurale per la mitigazione e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. Settore zootecnico. Rete Rurale Nazionale 2007-2013. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali (in Italian).




Biffani, U. Bernabucci, N. Lacetera, A. Vitali, P. Ajmone Marsan, N.P.P. Macciotta, and A. Nardone. 2015. A GWAS on heat tolerance phenotypes for Italian Holstein bulls. ADSA-ASAS, joint annual meeting, July 12-16, Orlando, Florida.


Vitali, A. Felici, S. Esposito, L. Bertocchi, C. Maresca, U. Bernabucci, A. Nardone, N. Lacetera. Heat waves related mortality in dairy cows. Proceedings 20th International Congress of Biometorology, 28 September – 1 October, Cleveland, 2014, US.


Vitali, S. Lo Presti, T. Schipani, A. Nardone, N. Lacetera. Housing system in dairy cow farms affects manure emissions of greenhouse gases. Proceedings 20th International Congress of Biometorology, 28 September – 1 October, Cleveland, 2014, US.


Vitali, S. Lo Presti, T. Schipani, A. Nardone, N. Lacetera. Evaluation of regional agri-environmetal policy on livestock greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock, Climate Change and Food Security Conference, Madrid, 19-20 may 2014.


Vitali, C. Renzi, G. Grossi, A. Nardone, N. Lacetera. Life cycle assessment of global warning potential of beef production in centre Italy. Comparison between breed raised, ChianinavsCharolais, and productive system adopted, organic vs conventional. SETAC Europe 19th LCA Case Study Symposium, Rome, Italy, 11-13 November 2013.


Vitali, G. Grossi, A. Nardone, N. Lacetera. Analisi del ciclo di vita di latte bovino ad alta qualità prodotto in centro Italia. Caso studio. VII Convegno della rete Italiana LCA, Milano, 27-28 June 2013.


Beltrano M. C., Esposito S., Primi V., and Vitali A. Livestock innovative Italian Forecasting Heat Warning System. 2nd International Conference: Climate, Sustainability and Development in Semi-arid Regions August 16 - 20, 2010, Fortaleza - Ceará, Brazil


Aguzzi J., Vitali A., D’Andrea S., Cavalieri A., Menesatti P. Variation of milk yield in relation to temperature humidity index in different dairy cow housing systems: a preliminary Time-lagged approach. 60th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Barcellona, Spain, August 24th – 27th, 2009.


Menesatti P., D’Andrea S., Cavalieri A., Baldi M., Lanini M.,Vitali A., Lacetera N., Bernabucci U., Nardone A. Evaluation of the microclimatic efficiency of housing systems for dairy cows. 60th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Barcellona, Spain, August 24th – 27th, 2009.


Menesatti P., D’Andrea S., Baldi M., Lanini M., Vitali A., Lacetera N., Bernabucci U., Nardone A. Evaluation of the thermal efficiency of housing systems for dairy cows. 59th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 24th – 27th, 2008.


Bramante, R. Finocchiaro, S. Biffani, M. Cappelloni, P. Coccimiglio, P. Menesatti, A. Vitali, F. Canavesi. Effect of homogeneous climatic zones on fertility traits in the italianholstein cattle breed. 59th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 24th – 27th, 2008.


Vitali, L. Bertocchi, N. Lacetera, U. Bernabucci, A. Cuteri, M. Guerini, and A. Nardone. Seasonal variation of mortality rate in dairy cows of the Po Valley (Italy). A retrospective study from 2001 to 2006. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, July 7-11, Indianapolis, 2008. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 86, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 1.


Ronchi, A. Vitali, P.P. Danieli, U. Bernabucci, N. Lacetera and A. Nardone. Assessment of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of AFB1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of goats. 58th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Dublin, Ireland, August 26th -29th, 2007.


Ronchi, P.P. Danieli, A. Vitali, A. Sabatini, U. Bernabucci, and A. Nardone. Evaluation of AFB1/AFM1 carry-over in lactating goats exposed to different levels of AFB1 contamination. 56th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2005.


Vitali, D. Scalia, U. Bernabucci, N. Lacetera and B. Ronchi. Cytotoxic effect of aflatoxin B1 in goat lymphocytes 8th International Conference on Goat (ICG), Pretoria (South Africa) 4th to 9th July 2004;

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