The Social Space of the Sea. Development, Environment and Culture in the Adriatic-Ionian Region

Estratto locandina

University of Teramo: convener
University of Zadar, Croatia
University of the Littoral, Slovenia
University of Rijeka, Croatia
University of Applied Science, Sibenik, Croatia


The Blended Intensive Programme "The Social Space of the Sea. Development, Environment and Culture in the Adriatic-Ionian Region." Is sponsored by Uniadrion and the Department of Communication Science of the University of Teramo.
The set of on-site and remote activities included in this programme aims to explore and reconcile the diverse and sometimes conflicting theories and visions of territorial development, emphasizing the crucial connection between natural environments, human-nature relationships, and tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It does so by casting light on the role of the sea, namely the Adriatic Ionian Sea as a veritable social space, which enables exchanges, transfer of knowledge and the building of common trans-local strategies.
MA and PhD students participating in the workshop, which includes both classwork and fieldwork activities, will be encouraged to reflect on some crucial issues for development in an interdisciplinary perspective, with a strong focus on the Adtriatic-Ionian region and on the role of
the sea. The latter is it framed not just as saltwater or littoral area but as a wider social space that overcomes traditional land/water divides.
One of the central themes of this workshop is the opportunities for integration of the natural environment and cultural assets into territorial development strategies.
In this perspective, we aims to shed light on the intricate connections between ecosystems, heritage, and human communities.


Empowering communities is another key focus of this programme. By studying, observing and sharing experiences and best practices, we hope to inspire innovative approaches that empower local communities to shape their own futures both has a response to natural disasters or
environmental fragility and as a way to recover and promote their unique cultural heritage.
Finally, we address the divide between coastal and inland areas as it often results in disparities in development opportunities and environmental challenges. Our discussions will explore theories and strategies to bridge this gap, creating a more balanced and equitable territorial development landscape both in local and transnational perspective.
The workshop is multi-sited in the Region of Abruzzo


Contact and Info: Emilio Cocco (BIP coordinator)


Draft Program


October 23, 2023- online briefing
15.00-18.00 Online briefing and group work


October 26, 2023 (Teramo)
Arrival of participants in Teramo
20.00 Welcome Dinner
22.00-23.00 Night tour of the city centre of Teramo


October 27, 2023 (Teramo)
09.00-13.00 Lectures at the Department of Communication Science
13.00-14.30 Welcome Reception at the University of Teramo
15.00-17.00 Lectures at the State Archive
19.00-22.00 Adriatic Pub Quiz Game


October 28, 2023 (Pescara)
10.00-13.00 Lecturesat the University of Chieti-Pescara
13.00-15.00 Lunch break
15.00-18.30 Urban ethnography in the “new” Adriatic City: Excursion to Pescara city and
visit to “Cetacean Study Center”


October 29, 2023 (Atri-Pineto)

10.00-13.00 Hiking to the Torre del Cerrano” (ancient watchtower) and visit to the premises
of the Marine protected area.
13.00-15.00 Lunch break
15.00-18.00 The “Old” Adriatic city and its heritage: excursion to the city of Atri


October 30, 2023 (Teramo)
10.00-13.00 Development 15 years after the Earthquake”. Roundtable between BIP
participants and civil society actors at the Department of Communication Science

October 31, 2023 (Teramo)
10.00-12.00 De-briefing and closure of the activities at the Department of Communication



Karin Doolan
Sven Marcelić
Saša Potočnjak
Kosana Jovanović
Barbara Španjol-Pandelo
Irena Weber
Tanja Radić-Lakoš
Darijo Šego
Nico Bortoletto
Rita Salvatore
Massimo Angrilli
Andrea Pitasi
Marco Alberio
Pietro Sabatino


Ultimo aggiornamento: 30-10-2023