Insegnamenti/Course structure diagram

Primo anno/First Year

Management and Business Strategy 12

ICT for Organizations 12

Social and Psychological Research Metods 12

Eu Investment Law 6

Logic and Decision Making 6

Elective courses 6

Totale crediti del primo anno 54 CFU

Secondo anno/Second Year

Project and Communication Management 12

Globalisation, International Development and New Markets 6

European Economy 6

Semiotics of Consumption and Advertising 6

Human Resource Management 6

Elective courses 6

Stage and other activities 6

Dissertation 18

Totale crediti del primo anno 66 CFU

Elective Courses

Sociology of Regional and Local Development 6

International Investment Law 6

Digital Marketing 6

Brand Management 6

Crisis Communication 6

Labour relations in the global economy 6

Ultimo aggiornamento: 26-06-2019