Dott. IUVINALE Karina

Curriculum accademico

Laureata con lode presso l'Università degli Studi di Teramo (UniTe) in “Economia Bancaria, Finanziaria e Assicurativa” nel 2010 e in "Scienze delle Amministrazioni" nel 2019.

Nel 2014 ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in “Analisi delle Politiche di Sviluppo e Promozione del Territorio”, XXVI ciclo, presso UniTe, con una Tesi dal titolo “Turismo culturale in Ghana: strategie di rappresentazione del territorio nei siti web in lingua inglese”.

Dal 2015 svolge il ruolo di docente di Matematica Applicata presso le Scuole Secondarie di secondo grado della provincia di Teramo.

Collabora all’attività didattica, esaminatrice e di ricerca delle cattedre di Lingua Inglese delle Prof.sse Francesca Rosati e Francesca Vaccarelli e delle cattedre di Statistica del Prof. Andrea Ciccarelli, presso le varie Facoltà di UniTe.

Nel 2014 ha vinto una borsa di ricerca nell’ambito del progetto “Più ricerca e innovazione” (UniTe), presentando un project work sulle “developing English skills in Biotechnology”, destinato a professionisti del settore.
Tra gli interessi di ricerca a livello accademico, prevalgono lo studio dell’ESP (English for Special Purposes), studi sulla terminologia economica, statistica e scientifica, sul linguaggio delle Istituzioni Europee, ricerche sulla Corpus Linguistics.
Su queste tematiche ha pubblicato, tra gli altri, i lavori “The language of Statistics in the Euro-Area context: a quali-quantitative analysis”, “Lexical Features of Eurostat and OECD Statistics Terminology”, “Facing distance learning in Math, during Coronavirus outbreak in Italy. How technology and flexibility can help teachers and students”, "Aree Interne e 'piccole scuole': ripensare la didattica e adottare la giusta policy", "New horizons in Italy’s 'small schools': re-thinking didactics to enhance the territory". 

Curriculum english version

Karina Iuvinale was born in Teramo (Italy), on 21st May, 1985.

She graduated in Economics for Banking, Accounting and Insurance (master degree) in 2010 and in Sciences of Administration (master degree) in 2019, at the University of Teramo, Italy. Her major field of study regards terminology of ESP (English for Specific Purposes), such as English for Animal Welfare and Protection, English for Economics, English for Veterinary Medicine, and she likes updating about special needs of special students attending secondary school.


She has been a university teacher of English for Animal Welfare and Protection at the degree course in Animal Welfare and Protection, University of Teramo (Italy), since 2017; since her graduation in 2010, she has been a university teaching-assistant at the University of Teramo, as regards English Language academic classes at Economics, Political Science, Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology degree courses. Furthermore, she has worked in different secondary schools in Teramo, both as a teacher of Math and as a teacher for students with special needs. 

Among her more significant publications, The language of Statistics in the Euro-Area context: a quali-quantitative analysis, Lexical Features of Eurostat and OECD Statistics Terminology, Facing distance learning in Math, during Coronavirus outbreak in Italy. How technology and flexibility can help teachers and students, Aree Interne e 'piccole scuole': ripensare la didattica e adottare la giusta policyNew horizons in Italy’s “small schools”: re-thinking didactics to enhance the territory.


  1. “Facing distance learning in Math, during Coronavirus outbreak in Italy. How technology and flexibility can help teachers and students”, DIALOGO 2020 – Issues of Modern Man – Volume 6, N. 2, giugno 2020. DOI: 10.18638/dialogo.2020.6.2.
  2. “The Powerful Role of Words Describing Brexodus”, AIDA Informazioni – Numero 1-2, Anno 38, Roma, Aracne Editrice,
  3. Aree Interne e “piccole scuole”: ripensare la didattica e adottare la giusta policy, EyesReg, Vol.10, N.3, Maggio 2020.
  4. “New horizons in Italy’s “small schools”: re-thinking didactics to enhance the territory”, AIDA Informazioni, Anno 37, numero 3-4, 2019
  5. “Specific Learning Disorders in Students. Knowledge Organization and Management of Learning through Maps”, AIDA Informazioni – Numero 3-4, Anno 36, luglio-dicembre 2018. Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2018.
  6. “Using Animal and Human in Scientific Lexicon both as an Adjective and as a Noun: an Insight on ENG/ITA Translations”, QUAESTI 2017- 6th Virtual Multidisciplinary
  7. “The Use of Language in Diplomacy: a Study of Diplomatic English Terminology”, QUAESTI 2017- 5th Virtual Multidisciplinary
  8. “Lexical Features of Eurostat and OECD Statistics Terminology”, in Scritti in onore di Enrico Del Colle, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2016.
  9. “Lexical Features of Food Safety Terminology”, ARSA 2016 – 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific
  10. Rosati, K. Iuvinale, “Towards a Euro-Variety of English: Development Perspectives and Dilemmas”, in A. Ciccarelli & T. Forcellese (a cura di), L’Europa del XXI secolo, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2015.
  11. “Lexical features of the most common Veterinary Public Health terminology”, SCIECONF 2015 – 3rd International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results.
  12. “An AntConc-based analysis of the most frequent collocations in the Official Journal of the EU’s Legal English”, QUAESTI 2013 - 1st Virtual Multidisciplinary
  13. “Ethnic groups in England, in Domenico Sturino et al., Eurolinguistica in progress: nuovi scenari per una nuova Europa. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica, Unical, Vol. 3, Cosenza, Klipper Editore, 2012.
  14. “Nollywood across the Nigerian Press”, in Adami & Aurelia Martelli (eds), Within and Across: Language and Construction of Shifting Identities in Post-Colonial Texts, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2012.
  15. “The language of Statistics in the Euro-Area context: a quali-quantitative analysis”, in Amelia Burns & Francesco Caserta (eds), The Journal of Cultural Mediation, 2., 2012.
  16. “Kiswahili and ki-english: divergences and convergences in the linguistic scenario of contemporary Kenya”, ARSA 2012 – 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-01-2016