Specific training objectives - Food Science and Technology

The Master's Degree Course in Food Science and Technology aims to provide advanced knowledge and train professional skills suitable for carrying out complex coordination and guidance activities relating to the agri-food sector, as well as the ability to guarantee, also with the use of innovative methodologies, the safety, quality and wholesomeness of food in national and international contexts.

The Master's graduate in Food Science and Technology carries out planning, management, control, coordination and training activities relating to the production, conservation, distribution and administration of food and drinks. The fundamental objective of his/her activity is the management of professional functions aimed at the constant improvement of food products in an economic and qualitative sense, in guaranteeing the sustainability and eco-compatibility of industrial activities.

The Graduate is therefore able to understand, propose and manage innovations relating to the various professional activities in the sector. His/her professional activity takes place mainly in agri-food companies and in all companies that integrate the production, transformation, conservation and distribution chain of food products, in large-scale retail trade companies, in public and private bodies that conduct planning and analysis activities, control, certification, as well as in those that carry out scientific investigations for the protection and valorization of food production, in training institutions, in professional studios and in the freelance profession.

The Master's graduate from the University of Teramo will have a preparation based on a generalist approach to Food Science and Technology gained through teaching transversal to the agri-food supply chains. The contents of the courses will be aimed at integration both with the territory and at a European and international level through collaboration with companies and entities in the agri-food sector; this will allow the course to enhance the excellence of some specific research sectors of the Department and the University which are developing in a national and international context.

Individual case studies will therefore be highlighted and treated by making reference to research conducted by teachers regarding issues relating to the chemical and microbiological quality and safety of foods, the design and production of functional and innovative foods, the study of aromatic components, the treatment of wastewater, the microbial ecology, sustainability of production and development, genetically modified foods, etc. This will allow the master's graduate from Teramo to face both the profession of Food Technologist, and a PhD in Food Science, or similar areas, with a good chance of success.

The introduction of teaching in English also aims to encourage student exchanges with foreign universities as part of the Erasmus + programs, allowing the improvement of personal and professional skills in international contexts as well as cultural knowledge.

In order to encourage the internationalization of teaching and training, starting from the first year, students can also opt for the international path/curriculum developed in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand) which allows them to acquire a double degree master's degree in Food Science and Technology recognized in both countries. Scientific contents, teaching methodologies and training objectives adopted in the Master's Degree Course reflect the European guidelines and the minimum requirements identified within the ISEKI_Food network.

Link: ISEKI - Accredited degree programmes



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Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-03-2024