This University website uses technical cookies, both their own and those of third parties, to ensure efficient browsing through the website and to collect aggregate data regarding the number of users and how they visit the website, in order to be able to constantly improve the service. There follows information regarding the use of cookies. The Data Controller – i.e. the University of Teramo, represented by the Rector – controls personal data held by the University, collected or not in both computerized and paper databases.
Personal data supplied by users requesting information material shall only be used to carry out the service requested and shall only be communicated to third parties if necessary for that purpose. Personal data may be communicated externally for purposes connected to the University’s institutional activities, and thus to other public bodies (e.g. the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education, etc.). Furthermore, personal data shall be communicated to the bank which, according to an agreement with the University, handles the procedure for collecting fees and university contributions. When enrolling, students may also choose whether to authorize the dissemination of their personal data that may also be communicated by the University to external persons, bodies and associations, for initiatives of guidance and introduction into the labour market.
Cookies are small text files that allow the web server to store information on the users’ terminal equipment (browser), to be reused while visiting the site (session cookies), or on subsequent visits, even several days later, (persistent cookies). The cookies are stored in accordance with the browser settings selected by the users on each specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone). The University website uses the following cookies:
Anonymous visitor cookies:
Registered visitor cookies:
Third-party technical cookies
This website uses the Google Analytics service which creates technical analytics cookies used to collect aggregate data on the number of users and how they visit the website. Such information is used for the ongoing improvement of functionality, content organisation and the support to different platforms and browsers.
Cookie management
The user may decide whether to accept cookies or not by adjusting the settings on their browser. Cookies may be disabled in all browsers.
Non-mandatory nature of the provision of data
Apart from what specified for browsing data, users are free to provide their personal data in the forms on the University websites, or in any case given in contacts with the University to request information materials or for other correspondence.
How data are processed
Data are processed exclusively for institutional purposes using computerised instruments and for the length of time strictly necessary to achieve the objective for which they are collected. Specific security measures are followed to avoid the loss of data, unlawful or incorrect use of data and unauthorized access.
In accordance with article 7 of legislative decree no. 196/2003, the person to whom the personal data refer has the right to: