Programme Catalogue - A.Y. 2014/2015

Faculty of Law (Dean: Prof. Floriana Cursi)
Faculty of Political Science (Dean: Prof. Enrico Del Colle)
Faculty of Communication Science (Dean: Prof. Stefano Traini)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Dean: Prof. Pier Augusto Scapolo)
Faculty of Bioscience and Agro-Food and Environmental Technology (Dean: Prof. Dario Compagnone)
Interfaculty (Political Science and Communication Science) Degree Programmes
Interfaculty (Bioscience and Veterinary Medicine) Degree Programme
Interuniversity Degree Programme



L = Laurea = First-Cycle Degree / Bachelor (three years)

LM = Laurea Magistrale = Second-Cycle Degree / Two-Year Master (two years)

LMCU = Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico = Single-Cycle Degree / Combined Bachelor and Master (five years)