Coordinator: Prof. Christian Corsi -
The PhD programme in Economic and Social Sciences aims at training PhDs to develop expertise in the analysis and interpretation of business, social, economic and legal phenomena. This is an innovative industrial-based PhD programme, qualified by agreements with companies engaged in R&D.
In the training activity, attention will be paid to the analysis of models related to economic, social and organisational transformations, considering the emerging changes, their interactions, their effects on individual and collective well-being. Training is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, with a key role of business, sociological, statistical, economic and legal disciplines.
This, together with the cooperation between the academic and business world, allows PhD students to interplay with an articulated set of knowledge, methods and skills for more appropriate analysis and the use of multi- causal models: the aim is to create new research perspectives and their innovative applications in different business sectors.
The training, in its articulation of teaching, seminary and research activities, combines theoretical preparation with the mastery of the most up-to-date methodologies and research techniques (both quantitative and qualitative), developed in the various disciplines. This will foster the international dimension and the adoption of a comparative perspective. The training programme is divided into course years.