Progetti di Ricerca - Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria

Research projects co-financed with MUR funds (PRIN)

Scientific topics
grant/year (€)
Duration (Yrs)
A new non-invasive approach to the investigation of cerebral activity in domestic animals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: implications on animal welfare and on comparative system and cognitive neuroscience
€ 70,000.00
Endocannabinoid signaling in alzheimer's disease: a novel target for mechanistic understanding and potential therapeutics
€ 55,719.00
Adressing microglial dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease: a role for endocannabinoid signaling in immuno senescence
€ 84,314.00

Research projects co-financed with MUR funds (PRIN) 2022

Scientific topics
Duration (Yrs)
Extracts from agricultural local products of Campania region: valorization of uniqueness and enhancement through agricultural byproduct via antioxidant properties during cell aging and cryopreservation in spermatozoa as in-vitro biological model - Settore LS9
€ 82370.00
Investigating Hepatotropic Viruses in carnivores and humans in a One Health. perspective (HVOH) - Settore LS6
€ 150970.00
Use of hormones in dairy cow reproduction: when are really necessary? Automatic monitoring systems and biological markers for precision reproductive management - Settore LS9
€ 84344.00
Understanding Centriole Dominance-Repression using Androgenetic embryos as a Model - Settore LS3
€ 194025.00
Intersection between endocannabinoid signaling and resolution of inflammation in Alzheimer's disease - Settore LS1
€ 91075.00
One SUStainability vision in Dairy farms: a big Data approach for a perspective Decision-making (SUS3D)- Settore LS96
€ 87368.00

Research projects co-financed with MUR funds (PRIN) 2022 PNRR

Scientific topics
Duration (Yrs)
EVERYONE - Analysis tool for the individual VulnERabilitY of brain Network - Settore LS5
€ 132577
I Sustainable and eco-friendly sheep farming: use of agricultural by - products as alternative feed resources in precision feeding protocol. Safe and healthy production from a virtuous model of circular economy - Settore LS9
€ 92393
Impact of AcetylCoa METAbolism on cell Fate determination during ambryo development (METAFATE) - Settore LS3
€ 122990
Exploring dry storage as an alternative sustainable and secure strategy for spermatozoa biobanking - Settore LSA
€ 76620
The endocannabinoid system inthe neural stem cells as a bridging among adult hippocampal neurogenesis, stress resilience and environmental challenges - Settore LS1
€ 120001

Research projects co-financed with funds from the FRAMEWORK PROGRAM U.E.

Scientific topics
Duration (Yrs)
ERAofART - Epigenetic Risk assesment of assisted Reproductive Technologies - H2020- Twinn -2015-Twinning
€ 99166.67/year € 297500.00 tot.
DryStore - "Exploring dry storage as an alternative biobanking strategy inspired by nature" MSCA-IF-2016Individual Fellowships
€ 90138.6/year € 180277.20 tot.
DryNet - "Setting an interdisciplinary/sectorial/international research network to explore dry storage as an alternativestrategy for cells/germplasm biobanking" - MSCA-RISE-2016 - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
€ 46125.00/year € 184500.00 tot.

European fund for maritme affairs and fisheries (FEAMP)

Scientific topics
Duration (Yrs)
Fishery and aquaculture integrated management model along the adriatic cost - FAIMMAC -U.E. Horizon 2020
€ 32500.00

Research projects co-financed with funds from the FRAMEWORK PROGRAM U.E. 2022/2023

Scientific topics
Duration (Yrs)
PON "RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE" 2014 - 2020 E FSC - Azione II Obiettivo Specifico 1b - Codice Progetto ARS01_00808 (Agrifood) - Progetto "One health, one welfare, one world - Innovazioni nelle filiere casearia e delle carni per la salute il benessere e l'ambiente" - CUP: B45F21000790005
€ 456399.18
30 mesi
PNRR - Progetto VITALITY Innovation, digitalisation and sustainability for the diffused economy in Central Italy Titolo: Ecosistema di innovazione, di gitalizzazione e sostenibilità per l'Economia Diffusa nell'Italia Centrale- codice identificativo ECS000000041
€ 434250.00
36 mesi
Progetto WhyNot Dry - "Toward consolidation of germplasm and cell reversible drying through knowledge transfer", Projec numer 101131087, a valere sulla call HORIZON MSCA- 2022-SE-01- CUP: C43C23000500006
Finanziamento totale  € 676200.00, di cui € 179400.00 assegnati all'Università degli Studi di Teramo
48 mesi
TAILSCAN "Automatic and objective of short tails and tail lesions in pig abattoirs" Project 101127986, a valere sulla call PPPA ANIMAL- WALFARE 2022- Tail Docking CUP: C43C23000610006
€ 267403.00
24 mesi

Research projects obtained by OTHER competitive calls financed by public and private subjects - Italian and foreign

Scientific topics
Duration (Yrs)
Finalized research 2013- 02355019 Biological approach to decontamination of bovalve molluscs from v. parahaemolyticus and salmonella by bacteriovorax species
€ 44000.00
IZS PLV 12/18 RC Epidemiological surveillance on the circulation in North-Western Italy of emerging and re-emerging enteric enteric viruses of a domestic-wild type
€ 14200.00
IZS PLV 11/19 - Selvaggina e rischi emergenti in sicurezza alimentare, monitoraggio igienico -sanitario e chimico
€ 18000.00
24 mesi
Agreement for the implementation of the initiatives pursuant to articles 16.17 and 18 of Legislative Decree No. 154/2004 under the "Three-year national fishery and aquaculture program 2017-2019"
€ 18500.00
IZS Abruzzo e Molise Brucella ceti: sviluppo di tecniche d'indagine siero-epidemiologica ed immunoistochimica, con approfondimenti patogenetici nei confronti dell'infezione"
€ 9335.00
PO FEAMP 2014/2020 Priorità 2 Regione Abruzzo, Avviso pubblico Misura 2.47; Progetto Smart Mollusk Farm Progetto di ricerca " Favorire un'acquacoltura sostenibile sotto il profilo ambientale, efficiente in termini di risorse, innovativa, competitiva e basata sulle conoscenze". Art. 47 Innovazione. Codice FEAMP attribuito al progetto: 2/INA/19/AB
€ 262920.00
Università degli Studi Di Bologna Progetto di ricerca sul tema: verifica della possibilità di stoccare allo stato anidro spermatozoi di asino di Martina Franca
IZS Abruzzo e Molise RC 2019 "NGS e diagnostica molecolare in Sanità Animale" - Resp.le P Crisi - CUP B45J19000460001
€ 30000.00
IZS Abruzzo e Molise RC 2019 "Le neoplasie mammarie: approccio multidisciplinare in oncologia comparta mediante l'utilizzo di tecnologie innovative
€ 7975.00
IZS Abruzzo e Molise Accordo per ricerca: Conduzione esperimenti di ovini, come da autorizzazione Ministeriale n. 200/2017 PR, rilasciata dal Ministero della sanità in data 06/03/2017, ai sensi del D.lgs. 26/2014
IZS Piemonte Liguria e Valle D'Aosta Fauna selvatica e non convenzionale: malattie virali emergenti in un'ottica di salute globale"
€ 7500.00
Associazione Regionale Allevatori d'Abruzzo ed il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell'Informazione e di Economia dell'Università degli Studi dell'Aquila - Ricerca: Valutazione della sostenibilità e del benessere degli allevamenti ovini abruzzesi
Università di Hohenheim - Departmnt of animal Breeding and Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics-Stuttgart. Germany- Ricerca: Indirect non -invasive methods to assess methane emissions from ruminants:the application of the Laser Methane Detector in Buffaloes
IZS dell'Abruzzo e del Molise ai sensi dell'accordo quadro UniTe/IZS AM del 12 giugno 2015 - Ricerca: Non -invasive methods ti assess emissions from ruminants: the application of the Laser Methane Detector in Buffaleons
International Society of Veterinary Dermatopathology - ISVD Grant progetto dal titolo" Unravelling the spatial profile of DNA methylation in canine Malignant Melanoma", in collaborazione con l'Università di Utrect (NL) e l'Università di Perugia
€ 5000.00
IZS PLV 08/22 RC progetto di ricerca dal titolo: "Hepatotropic Virus Hunting: indagine virologica nella fauna selvatica in un contesto integrato di one Health"
€ 27800.00
24 mesi

Project of excellence "Demetra" of Diparimental development - 2018-2022

Scientific topics
Duration (Yrs)
Interconnections between OneHealth and sustainable animal supply chain as priorities for sustainable development - "DEMETRA" CUP: C46C180000530001
€ 6635800.00 MIUR € 6000000.00 - Cofin Masterplan
Ultimo aggiornamento: 09-01-2024