Advanced Biotechnology

Advanced Biotechnology
Advanced Biotechnology

Programme Director: Prof.Claudio D'

The Second-Level Degree Programme in Advanced Biotechnology aims at training professionals with the necessary skills to work in the field of biotechnology both at a national and European level: by means of an interdisciplinary curriculum, in fact, such professionals shall have the technical and operative expertise necessary to plan and develop projects in the field of advanced biotechnology from a scientific, technical and productive perspective.


The classes, delivered by lecturers and researchers from the UniTe scientific campus who are actively taking part in national and international research projects as well, will allow graduates to acquire not only advanced theoretical notions but also practical skills in the field of the most innovative biotechnological methodologies through a study and applicative approach consistent with the “One Health” programme.

Graduates in Advanced Biotechnology shall be highly-skilled professionals able to enter both the industrial and the research world and to meet the new challenges of biotechnologies. At the end of such training, the acquired skills will allow graduates to feature biological systems both on a structural and molecular level; and to understand their performance, in order to evaluate their role in developing new biotechnology-enhanced products.


Several hours of practical laboratory activities and the constant feedback and discussion with the lecturers during traditional in-presence classes and laboratory activities provide students with the chance of enhancing their own knowledge and developing their own ability of understanding.

Graduates will be able to apply the new biochemical, biomolecular and analytic methodologies and to process experimental data in order to feature the role of biomolecules, use computational and “systems biology” models, thus identifying target molecules and/or genes and understanding the use of pre-clinical models in researching and developing the “Red Biotech” sector.


The entry of graduates in inter-sector professional contexts will be helped by all the acquired technical and scientific communication, biotechnological consultation both in private and public facilities. Mobility and Exchange Programmes such as the Erasmus+ shall be enhanced in order to favour traineeship periods as well as research thesis, benefiting from the wide network of advanced training and research available at the Faculty of Bioscience.




Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266907

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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