

Programme Director: Prof. ssa Emanuela Pistoia |

5-Year Single-Cycle Degree Programme   Students enrolling on the 5-Year Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Law want to understand how society works, as every behaviour may be read from a legal point of view, thus acquiring a specific technical value. Law students learn not only to know the rules that regulate different interest arrangements, but also to understand the functioning of legal mechanisms, in order to acquire the tools that allow them to interpret real situations.


Although this cultural background may open up various ways in the labour market, it allows exclusively the graduate in Law to practice as a lawyer, a magistrate or a notary – i.e., the traditional legal professions.


This learning path has some peculiarities. On the one hand, attention is paid to creating the conditions to explore legal studies in other countries, and this enables students to take exams at foreign Faculties and subsequently obtain validation in the University of Teramo. On the other, the future professional activity of the student is taken into due consideration. To encourage this type of approach, among other things, some agreements have been reached with local Public Prosecutor’s offices, to allow students to do the internship and simultaneously follow traditional teaching.


Finally, post-graduate studies complete this 5-Year Single-Cycle Degree Programme. Together with traditional legal professions, this Programme also gives the possibility of covering roles with huge responsibility in several socio-economic and political areas, in Public Administrations, in private companies, in trade unions, in international organisations – all sectors where a legal expert’s ability to analyse, evaluate and decide can also be exploited outside of the sectorial knowledge.



Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266352

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

Where we are



Teramo: Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

Avezzano: Via Sandro Pertini 106 - 67051 Avezzano 

Teaching organization