Law, Economics, and Business strategy

Law, Economics, and Business strategy
Law, Economics, and Business strategy

Programme Director: Prof. Emanuela Arezzo|

Single-Cycle Degree Programme 


This Second-Cycle Degree Programme aims to train professionals with the most advanced skills in legal, business and economic disciplines, concerning the company as a whole and the interactions of economic actors in the market.


This is an unprecedented Degree Programme within the national programme catalogue, being interdisciplinary knowledge – between economic and legal subjects – its strength, making it different from any other current academic education programme.


The skills acquired will form professionals who, as far as the legal profile is concerned, will be able to understand, analyse and evaluate the influence of regulations not only on the functioning of companies and markets, but also on the choices in terms of company policy which they involve, as well as to develop innovative legal solutions for complex problems.


As far as the area of knowledge relating to economics is concerned, they will be able to develop business strategies and business plans, to deal with problems of business management of complex organizations, characterized by ever-changing dynamics entailing increasing competitiveness and organizational change, to formulate an effective strategy in company decisions, based on the main economic variables but also on the costs deriving from the impact of laws and regulations.


Graduates in Law, Economics and Business Strategy will be employed as legal consultants for companies, consultants in industrial property management, supervisors of accounting and financial statements, economic and financial consultants for companies, officials in public or private bodies, officials to the independent Authorities, etc.



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Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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