Viticulture and Enology

Viticulture and Enology
Viticulture and Enology

Programme Director: Prof. Rosanna Tofalo |

First-Cycle Degree Programme 


Viticulture involves the study of agronomic, biological, chemical, technological and sensorial aspects. The diversity and variability of grapes and wines deriving from them are factors of stimulation and creativity for the development of new technologies and products.

The heterogeneity of the study of wine production is extremely complex and diversified. It therefore requires qualified professionals, both theoretically and practically, who at the same time also know how to enhance the intrinsic characteristics of the vine variety.

Being an enologist is a passion, as well as a profession, based on continuous updating, since, grape harvest after grape harvest, wine is never the same and only adequate skills can lead to obtain a high-quality product.


The main skills of graduates in Viticulture and Enology are: solid basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, statistics, computer science, chemistry and biology; adequate application of the acquired knowledge; knowledge of techniques and analysis useful for quality control of final products; environmental impact assessment; knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities; knowledge of company contexts and related economic, managerial and organizational aspects; use of basic reasoning tools for continuous updating; use of a European Union language, both written and oral, in addition to Italian; use of tools for communication and information management; teamworking skills as well as being able to operate with defined degrees of autonomy. Graduates in Viticulture and Enology are able to interact with the entire wine supply chain, from primary production to the production phase, up to quality and safety control of wines. Other employment opportunities can position them as freelance professionals, as consultants, in the commercial sector (suppliers of machinery, equipment and technological auxiliaries) and in research and development of advanced companies in the wine sector.




Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266907

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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